My Friend's Place
Stephanie Pratt och hennes pojkvän Josh Hansen var på "My Friend's Place" event som hölls på MI6 nightclub.
My Friend's Place är ett center för hemlösa ungdomar, dit kan dom komma för lära sig att komma tillbaka till ett normalt liv.
Det tycker vi är jätte bra. Mer sånt här.
Twitter Stephanie
Är detta ett nytt par?
För andra gången så har man sätt Stephanie tillsammans med denna kille vid namn Josh Hansen. Dom sågs ute häromdagen i Malibu. Min fråga är, kan detta vara ett nytt par eller är det bara kompisar. Tiden får utvisa det men jag tror att dom är tillsammans vad tror ni?
Här har ni lite fakta om han från Wikipedia (engelska)
Josh Hansen (born February 16, 1984) is an American professional motocross racer. The son of retired motocross champion Donnie Hansen, he is best known for winning the gold medal for Supercross at the Summer X Games for two consecutive years. Hansen currently rides a Kawasaki 250F for the Monster Energy/Pro Circuit team.
Hansen received his first motocross bike at five, and began racing competitively at eight. He spent his early years touring the country with his family, winning numerous amateur titles in national competitions as his father conducted a motocross academy. At 17, he went professional.
The Hansens are the first father-son duo in the AMA Supercross record book.
Twitter Stephanie från San Francisco

Stephanie tweeted:
"Just landed in SF... Ill be hosting ROE Nightclub tonight with 2 of my best friends @alisheanoel + omeeeezy! See u there! Look what @alisheanoel did to my hair this am! I always wore french braids when I used to play soccer!"

"Dinner... Time to do SF part 2 @roe"
Intervju med Stephanie (Allison Kugel): Were you caught off guard when MTV revealed that this would be the final season of The Hills?
Stephanie Pratt: No. I think we all pretty much knew that it would be the last season, the fact that it’s the sixth season, crazy! We all pretty much knew it going into it, and we weren’t surprised when they announced it. What are your thoughts about The Hills ending?
Stephanie Pratt: When we get asked how it feels that it’s the end, it doesn’t really feel like it’s the end, because we just starting filming, like, two months ago. But it’s really sad. I’m such a people person, and to have a job where you’ve got, like, forty cast and crew and people making jokes and having crew meals, it’s just a fun job. That’s definitely going to be the saddest part, not having the crew around. I’m excited for what’s going to happen next, and to spend more time on my handbag line and on another collaboration. Are you still in school?
Stephanie Pratt: I’m not at FDIM (Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising) anymore. I stopped FDIM last year. [The handbag line] is coming out in Fall, 2010. Every season is going to be a different story, and since studs are going to still be really big in the Fall I designed this collection with a lot of studs. And they all have the long strap option, because I love purses that have that. I just saw the samples for the first time two weeks ago, and then on Monday I made the last modifications on a few of them. Now they are getting fixed and then they are going to be done. It’s so insane! Many times when celebrities do lines somebody just shows them the work and they approve it. Since you actually went to school for this, how hands on were you in developing this handbag line?
Stephanie Pratt: Really hands on. About two years ago I bought software for Adobe Illustrator where I could design, because I’m horrible at free-draw. I was never good at it, and that was kind of my biggest fear. I had all these ideas in my head, but I can’t draw for the life of me. “How am I going to get them on paper?” I researched and researched, and found some software, it’s called Amherst Library. I took a lot of Illustrator classes at FDIM, so I designed all of the bags on Adobe Illustrator and then printed them out and faxed them to the factories. Speaking of school, you say that is where you met Lauren Conrad. Is that how you got on The Hills, or was it through your brother, Spencer?
Stephanie Hills: It was both. I was at FDIM before Lauren came to FDIM. And randomly, everyone thinks it was set up, but no one knew who I was because I was never on the show and my brother had started dating Heidi, and then on the call sheet they saw my last name and asked me if I was related to Spencer, [because] Lauren was in that class randomly. I was like, “Yeah, I am.” Obviously, I knew who Lauren was, and then they asked me to be on the show. It all happened by chance. If they never asked me if I was related to Spencer, and if I wasn’t in that class that Lauren walked into I probably never would have gotten on the Because they were shooting Lauren going to school.
Stephanie Pratt: Yep, and I was already there and it was the first day of class. It was the most random thing ever. How has the vibe of the show changed since Kristin Cavallari replaced Lauren Conrad?
Stephanie Pratt: We’re not all as good friends. It sucks not having Lauren there because we all really love Lauren. Now they put on a “frenemy,” so we’re all just more on our toes. They put Kristin on The Hills knowing that nobody really cares for her too much? Is that the situation?
Stephanie Pratt: Yeah. They brought her on to shake things up. How are you doing these days, as far as your body issues?
Stephanie Pratt: I am doing amazing. This is probably the best time of my life. I became more informed about what I was eating, and so I’m a better consumer at markets. And I just stopped putting so much pressure on myself. I got healthier. Are you exercising as well, and do you have any fitness tips to share?
Stephanie Pratt: I’m definitely more active. I’ll always try to take the stairs instead of the elevator in my apartment, and I walk my dog. I love going swimming now that it’s getting warmer. It’s great exercise. And it’s just the small things; I used to put tons of half and half into my coffee. I didn’t know half and half turned into butter. So I use nonfat milk, and then non-fat yogurt with no-carb granola for breakfast. For snacks, instead of M&Ms I’ll sauté spinach with olive oil and lemon or have a banana. I try to find a good combination between being active and just making healthier choices. When I’m craving ice cream I’ll have one of the 120 calorie drumsticks. I just try not to get out of hand. There was a point when you were going down a bad path.
Stephanie Pratt: Yeah, What made you want to turn your life around and get involved in more positive things?
Stephanie Pratt: I was really lucky that I could get therapy for myself. Even though in my life I don’t have one complaint right now, I feel really great and everything is going great, I still go every week. I learned that my self-esteem comes from doing work. I was very enabled growing up; I never had to lift a finger. I was very blessed and so I never felt good about myself because I wasn’t doing anything. Now, the busier I am and the more I work, and the more I try to do for animals, that’s where I get my self-esteem. I feel good after working a hard day. Also, when I am disappointed I have a narcissistic tendency to say, “Ok, what is it about me? Why didn’t I get this job? Why doesn’t this guy want to be with me?” I’m just realizing that it’s not necessarily about me and it’s about the other person, possibly, or it’s about a situation or a circumstance. I’m taking the “me” out of a lot of equations. I’m not blaming myself for everything. Normally, I would love to blame myself growing up. And I’m not dependent on other people clapping for me and saying, “Great job! You’re doing great!” I’m not needing people’s approval as much as I did growing up. Every day it’s like exercise for the brain, to be aware that if something doesn’t go right to not subconsciously take it out on myself. Many times we all think we’re so unique, but as human beings we are actually all very much the same as far as the things that trip us up, like narcissism, ego or insecurity. Sometimes it’s just not knowing where to find that source of positive energy or self-esteem.Stephanie Pratt: I never knew how to get self-esteem. I was like, “Oh, I just need to be skinny and pretty.” And then I still felt really empty inside. Did growing up in the Pacific Palisades in Los Angeles have a negative effect on you?
Stephanie Pratt: I don’t think so. I’ve been obsessed with fashion my whole life, so no matter where I grew up I would have magazine cut-outs of all of these supermodels all over my walls, because I loved supermodels and the whole fashion world. That is really what [did it]. I started to compare myself to that. It wasn’t necessarily my surroundings, it was just what I loved and what I thought was perfection. What’s your favorite social networking site?
Stephanie Pratt: Twitter! I love Twitter. Facebook has a friend capacity. You can’t have that many friends on Facebook, and with Twitter, it’s just really fun to see what your friends are doing all the time. And it’s an easier application. Do you interact with Hills fans on Twitter?
Stephanie Pratt: Oh yeah. That’s the really fun part. It’s really cool to talk to the fans. I actually just got this insane birthday present from a fan on Twitter, and I got to talk to her today and thank her so much for it. Can you sum up this last season of The Hills?
Stephanie Pratt: It’s very raw and surprising. All of us are going to show a different side that has never been shown before.
Stephanie värdinna för Stingaree
Stephanie Pratt var värdinna för Stingaree i San Diego den 1 Maj.
Vad tycker ni om Stephanie's röda läppar, Hiss eller Diss?
Stephanie H Magazine Cover
Mer inspelning av The Hills
Stephanie Och Lo Sågs ute i LA, för mer inspelning av denna säsongen. Vad tyckte ni om första avsnittet?
Godmorning LA
Stephanie ute i Beverly Hills
Stephanie Pratt var ute med sin vän Alishea Ray och åt Lunch i Beverly Hills den 23 April.
Stephanie twittrade om ett möte hon hade under lunchen : “Great lunch and meeting with (fashion designer) Yana K! We start working on our new secret project on Monday!!!!”
Stephanie klär av sig för PETA
Stephanie fortsätter fira
Stephanie's födelsedags firande
StephaniePratt "Catt!! RT @iamBenLyons: Best duo to roll out w/ in Vegas. @lavolasvegas you aren't ready for this! @THEDAILY10 @stephaniepratt @IAmCattSadler"

Happy Birthday Sephanie
Stephanie & Lo ute i Melrose
Tjejerna träffades igår den 7 April för att filma scener till sista säsongen av The Hills. Dom spelade in på Melrose Avenue. Deras outfits var verkligen vår aktiga och man verklingen känner att våren är här när man kollar på dessa bilderna.
Tycker inte ni att Lo har gått upp lite i vikt eller är det bara jag som tycker det. Jag tycker det är jätte sött.
Efter inspelningen så drog Stephanie vidare, detta twittrade hon;
. “On the set of Desperate Housewives raising awareness and money for Feeding America! Gona be a great day!”

Stephanie tweeted:
"Today I rallied on Wisteria Lane to #fightchildhunger.
Learn how you can rally your friends and neighbors !
Stephanie : LA Mission
Nu är det påsk och många har det inte så bra i USA därför tackar vi välgörenhets organisationerna för att dom finns. Många kändisar brukar hjälpa olika organisationer med bl.a pengar med även gå ut och dela ut mat till dom behövande. I går den 2 April så var Stephanie ute i LA med andra kändisar bl.a. Kate Linder, Alishea Ray, Haylie Duff & Adriana Costa och delade ut mat till dom som inte har. Det tycker vi är riktigt bra gjort att hjälpa behövande är alltid bra.
Stephanie twittrade om dagen, “Great morning volunteering w @alisheanoel @ the LA mission. Kids were adorable w their Easter baskets!!! Now off to filming,” and “Help feed the homeless- donate 5dollars by texting MEALS to 40579 (it will show on ur phone bill) thanks guys!! Xo pls RT!”
En kväll 2 Event
Stephanie lyckades hamna på 2 olika event den 31/3. På kvällen var hon på Klubben Voyeur där Star Magazine hade Young Hollywood Issue Launch Party. Stephanie rockade loss på klubben och såg jätte snygg ut, vad tycker
ni om hennes outfit?
Innan hon drog till klubben och slog klackarna i taket så var hon på Premiären av Clash of the Titans.
Stephanie jobbar på DUSK
Den 19 Mars så var Stephanie i Atlantic City, New Yersey för att vara värdinna för klubben DUSK.
Stephanie twittrade under sin tid i New Yersey, “Best night of my life! We crashed a bachlorette party+ so much more!!! Such fun new friends in NJ!”And, “I ordered lobster tails from room service last night -who does that???”
Stephanie: Video " The Soup"