Lauren: Seventeen Magazine del2

Datum: 2010-02-07 Tid: 13:08:44
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Lauren Conrad Intervju

Lauren är ute på bokturne med sin nya bok " Sweet litlle Lies" Här  har ni en intrevju med Lauren som, Toni-Marie Ippolito har gjort.

Congratulations on your book “Sweet Little Lies!” Did you ever think you’d become and author?
Conrad: Uh, No!

Your first book was such a success, and on the New York Times Best Seller’s List! Was that shocking to you? How did you react to that?
Conrad: I was just really excited, I think. They had said that there was a chance, so we were kind of waiting, waiting, waiting. And I remember a group of people that was traveling with on my first book tour with me called me on a conference call and all told me together and I was so excited.

I think it shocked a lot of people and that must have been an accomplishment in itself for you.
Conrad: It was. I had worked so hard on that first book and it was just very gratifying. I don’t think a lot of people took me seriously when I began writing and it was nice to have it acknowledged.

Absolutely, and it’s not easy writing either!
Conrad: Yeah! (laughs)

Did you find writing “Sweet Little Lies”, more challenging or a little bit easier?
Conrad: Yeah, I actually found it easier. The first book was a learning experience. I had to learn the whole process and I think I also had to learn to schedule writing time for myself. I had lived my life for years on a schedule and this was the first time where I would have full days to write. It was also teaching myself how to do that. Everything was very new to me. The second time around, I had a better idea of how it was done. I gave myself more time to write and become less procrastinating (giggles) so it was more enjoyable. Also, the storyline was a little more fun to write because in the first book I had to make character introductions, and set the scene and the situations they were in. And in the second book I got to just jump right into it.

Speaking of the situations and the characters, how much of it do you really draw on from your real life?
Conrad: Um, most of the things that I draw from my real life are…

I’ve watched every episode of The Hills, so I know that whole story!
Conrad:(laughs) There’s more of the emotional thing that the characters go through. That’s one of the great thing about writing is that you get to be in someone’s head, so I think there’s a lot of situations where you know, you’re going through things and it can be, you know, a little overwhelming and it’s all very new. So I think that’s more where I drew from. More of their emotional trips that they took rather than specific things the characters go through. But, I mean, there are definitely things that are comparable to experiences I had.

Taking bits from your experience, was it therapeutic for you to write these books and put it all out there?
Conrad: Yeah, it actually really was! It’s definitely scaled back a bit because it’s written as a teen series, so I kind of PG-13 it (laughs). I toned a lot of things down. But I also didn’t want the book to be a complete downer so I tried to bring a little bit of humor to it. But, yes there is something very therapeutic about writing experiences similar to those you’ve been through.

What was the writing process like for you as whole, did you write at certain times of the day or did you just write whenever you felt creative?
Conrad:I was on a deadline, so I wrote whenever I could. One thing that was really nice was that it was so different from what I had been doing. I had spent so much time on television and whenever I was working I had to, you know, do full makeup and do my hair and try and put together outfits. Most that that book I wrote in my pajamas!
So that was really nice, I was like “I look awful right now and no one even knows!” It’s just great (giggles).

I know that you are a busy girl, and once you ended the show, you plugged away at your fashion line. How do you fit all this into your busy schedule?
Conrad: Well, when I first left the show I told everyone that I worked with that I really needed a break. I had been going non-stop for years and I just wanted a bit of time to stop and take a breath and I had a few months where I didn’t have much to do and I absolutely hated it.
I hated having spare time. I tried to take up hobbies. I had a weird baking phase where I was baking everyday and I took dance classes and I just did all these things that I couldn’t do before and I realized that I just love being busy. I love having a full schedule everyday and always being a little bit sleep deprived and just kind of love that lifestyle.

It’s a crazy thing for a lot of us today that we feel that way, but I’m glad you did get a little bit of time to recharge.
Conrad: Oh yeah it was probably good for me mentally, it’s also for me to know that, now that I’m getting busy again that this really is what I want and I should never complain about it.

Yeah I think you’re going on the track, I like where you’re going with your projects.
Conrad: Oh, thank you!

So your first book, “L.A. Candy” is going to be made into a movie!
Conrad: It is! I’m so excited.

That must be so exciting. How did this come about? Is this something you pursued?
Conrad: Well we were in talks about the idea of taking the book series and turning it into a television series. Then it started getting interest from different people about turning it into a movie, which I had never really thought about before. It was actually on my book tour, that I had to come up with an outline for a movie version because it’s really meant to be told over a period of several years, which is hard to do with a movie. So, I came up with a format and it was funny because the idea just kind of hit me in the middle of an interview I was doing and I was like “Ah that’s it!”(laughs)

The creativity light bulb hits.
Conrad: Yes! It was literally a light bulb moment, and I went and wrote it down and I pitched it and found someone who was interested and so now we’re in the process of making it into a movie.

How involved will you be in this project?
Conrad: Very! Anyone who knows me knows I can be a control freak with things I love doing. I love doing fashion and I love writing, so everything I’ve done I’m really involved with, so it’s not really work to me because I’m enjoying it. This is something I want to learn how to do. We’re still in the very early stages, but I’ve been in pitch meetings with writers and I’m learning the process and it’s really fun for me.

Are you still designing your fashion line for Kohls?
Conrad: I am. I actually just got back last night and we did a two-day shoot in Palm Springs, which was really fun. That line is doing really well and I’m very happy with it and I’m actually, right now, just putting together the business plan to bring another line, which I can’t really talk about yet (giggles) but I’m really looking forward to it.

You’re also coming out with a fashion book.
Conrad: Oh the style guide, yes. Whether it’s just because people have a very hectic lifestyle or that they’ve never really been really into fashion, the book outlines the essentials that you need to have in your closet—from how to shop online to a packing list, a lot of tips, how to shop vintage. It will be released the same time as my third book.

Yes! You have a third book that’s coming out following “Sweet Little Lies.” Have you completed that yet?
Conrad: Oh no! (laughs)

Come on, you’re not superwoman?
Conrad: (laughs) No I’m still writing that one. I just finished chapter three! But I finished my stylebook. So I’ve finished one of those.

You seem to be doing such great things and I think you’re an inspiration for a lot of people who are looking up to you, a lot of the fans that you have from the Hills. It was actually a smart move on your part leaving the show.
Conrad: OH! That is the first time I’ve heard that and that’s so nice to hear!

I don’t mean it in a bad way, you were very entertaining on the show, but look what you’re now accomplishing.
Conrad: Oh, well thank you. I actually had this girl walk over to me to the other day, I was sick and I really wanted soup, so I went to this place Jerry’s Deli in LA. I was just sitting there eating chicken noodle soup, and this girl walks and kind of stands over me and I look up and she says, “You have ruined my Tuesday nights” and walks away.
And I was like, “Do I know this person? Did I do something to them on a Tuesday?” (laughs)

Yeah people get really dedicated to there television schedules…
Conrad: They do.

But do you miss being on The Hills at all?
Conrad: I don’t. I miss the people I got to work with. That’s about it. I miss the crewmembers and the producers, and everyone who worked on that show, we were all such great people. And if I’m very lucky someday I will be able to work with them again, but we’ll see.

Does that mean you would you do another reality show?
Conrad: I would never do another reality show based on my personal life. I just got that back and I love it and I’m never giving it away! (giggles) But I also want to get into production, so I can go sit in the production vans with them and watch other people film.

Just on another note, there’s been a lot of stuff in the news about Heidi Montag’s plastic surgery. What are your thoughts on the question of beauty in Hollywood and the pressure. How do you deal with all that?
Conrad: Well, (sighs) I don’t know, I think it’s hard because when you’re a girl, and I was probably going through the worst of it at the time, you criticize yourself the most. So yeah. there are definitely days when you come home and you think, “I’m fat and I’m ugly and this and that.” But you just have to look at the bigger picture and instead think, “You know what? I’m healthy and I’m fortunate and I think that there are people a lot worse off than me. You kind of have to put things in perspective.

Datum: 2010-02-04 Tid: 13:54:06
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Bilder: Lauren i Good Morning America

Datum: 2010-02-04 Tid: 13:52:20
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Lauren: Seventeen Magazine

Excerpts from the interview:
Writing as Therapy
"Jane is the main character [of Sweet Little Lies: An L.A. Candy Novel] and most like me. But also when I was more sarcastic and against [being on] the The Hills, I was able to illustrate that through Scarlett, her best friend. So they almost became the two sides of me, because there were times I absolutely hated the show and there were times I loved it."
Running from The Hills
"You set out to do a show based on your life, and you end up living a life based on your show. Everything you do has to be cleared — where you work, people who come to your birthday, people you date, what clothes you wear. I had to get the paint color for my apartment approved by the director of photography. It was things like that that I don't miss."
Putting the Criticism on Mute
"There's always someone out there telling you your nose is too big or too small, or you're too fat or too thin, or they don't like your hair. In life, there's always going to be someone who doesn't like something about you, so you have to focus on what makes you happy about yourself. You're the only person you need to please."
Once a Cheater...
"I've never really understood cheating because I've never cheated on anyone. I feel like if you are in a relationship with someone, and you want to be with other people, then you shouldn't be in a relationship — it's that simple! Once you start having a wandering eye, it's time to reevaluate the relationship you're in because you're obviously looking for something else."
"With the crew, you develop friendships and they're your family and best friends, but they're also there to do a job. And a lot of times their jobs include a level of deception. So they can put you in some pretty bad situations just to get your reaction. For example, a year ago for my birthday party, they invited Heidi to come, and they knew that I'd be uncomfortable with it. They're all wearing earpieces and know that Heidi's coming in, and they're focusing all of their cameras on me for a reaction. It's a very weird feeling knowing that everyone around you knows that something is about to happen except you."
Future Carrie Bradshaw?
"I went through a phase where I wanted to write a dating book, so I had The Rules, Better Single Than Sorry, and He's Just Not That Into You...I had about six of them. This was a couple years ago, and I had a guy come over and I could see him eying the books, and I was like, No, no, no. I want to write a dating book. And he was like, Yeah right, crazy — get me out of here!"
Budget Babe
"At 18 I was cut off financially! Seventeen was a happy time for me, but 18 was hard. People think that I've had it easy, but I haven't had it as easy as you think. When I went off to college, I wasn't going to class in Louis Vuitton. There were definitely times when my bank account was zero. I was financially independent, but I wasn't exactly living a lavish life. My dad was really adamant about that. He'd say 'You're going to go to college and live it like everyone else, because if you want to make your own decisions, you need to support yourself too.'"
"When I go out, the shoes need to be as high as they can be. I love 'big girl' shoes that are five-inches tall. Just a black platform is the best!"

Datum: 2010-02-04 Tid: 13:48:03
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Lauren i "Good morning America!

Datum: 2010-02-03 Tid: 16:21:15
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Lauren Conrad, cover girl.

Detta är fjärde gången som denna donna är cover girl för tidiningen seventeen magazine. Lika snygg som alltid, detta nummer kommer ut i mars, så håll ögonen öppna om ni har möjlighet.
Datum: 2010-02-02 Tid: 23:23:03
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LC's blog: It's my party and I'll pack if I want to


Another year older... another year wiser :-) Thank you all for your lovely birthday messages! I'll be spending my 24th packing for my book tour that begins tomorrow. (eep! 4am pick up!) So many outfits... So little time! I'm looking forward to meeting everyone who comes out for the tour!

Best wishes - Lauren
Datum: 2010-02-02 Tid: 23:12:12
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Happy B-DAY Lauren

Fil:Lauren Conrad 2009.jpg

Lauren fyller 24 år idag GRATTTTTTIS!

Bilder från Laurens B-day Party: 



BIlderna är lånade av : 
Tack för tipset =) By the way kika in lalife bloggen, den är riktigt bra =) Det är Malin Åkermans syster som bloggar om hennes liv i LA

Datum: 2010-02-01 Tid: 20:14:48
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Lauren pratar böcker!

Lauren's andra bok kommer snart ut 2 Feb. “I love it,” she says. “I can stay in my pjs and write.” What better way to celebrate her new lifestyle than to talk about books?
Favorite book as a child?

It was Goodnight Moon. It’s the book that I most remember reading as a child. I used to read it over and over. I think it was during the time when I was just learning to read.
Book you’ve gone back to and read over and over again?
I think it’s probably The Great Gatsby. I’ve read it several times. I’m actually overdue to read it again. It’s a fun story. I’m obsessed with the 1920s, everything from the style to the lifestyle. It was a really cool era. It was one of the very few pieces of required reading that I actually enjoyed.
Required reading that you hated?
So many. It’s awful. I read a lot of Spark Notes in high school.
Fictional character you most identify with?
I know it’s cheesy, but Jane from my own books, because she is me. I’m very aware of my flaws, and I think they are an important part of the character. Jane definitely comes across as a bit naïve, which I am pretty often. She can be eagerly persuaded, which can be an issue. It’s all things that I’ve dealt with, and issues that I recognize and have learned from. A lot of it was just reliving arguments that I had had. When you think of an argument you had with a friend, you get heated re-thinking it. I was that way while writing. And I’d be arguing with myself, because I write both sides. But it’s kind of cool when you’re into your writing, when you’re not really concerned with how it sounds. It’s how it flows.
Favorite book by a fellow celebrity?
I love Chelsea Handler. I’ve read both of her books, and she has another one coming out soon that I’m looking forward to. I’m a fan of hers. I think she’s very funny. She lacks a filter, which I really admire. I find her very entertaining. I really liked reading her books. She’s really good at having her personality come across in her writing. It was like she was telling the story herself. You could hear her voice in there.
Favorite book as a teen?
I read a lot of Chicken Soup for the Soul. I’m not sure why. When I look back at all the books I’ve read, it’s a lot of short stories. I had a really short attention span in school. The only series I remember reading was when I was a little bit younger, was the Goosebumps series. That was me at more of a young teen. And Little House on the Prairie.
Book you’ve faked reading?
Lord of the Flies in school. I made up my essay. I don’t think I even finished my Spark Notes. I probably got a very bad grade.
Book you’d use as a doorstop?
I’d go functional: a thesaurus. They’re functional, and I have a lot in my house. I use them pretty often, whether I’m putting together inspiration boards when I’m designing — you need descriptive words that go in each line and season — and in your writing, I always have those moments where I’m like, “what’s that word where you want to do something, but you can’t?”
Book you want to read next?
I just downloaded The Contortionist’s Handbook. I’m just a few pages in. I just downloaded it from my Kindle. My boyfriend [Kyle Howard] has read it several times, and he really loves it.
Book that changed your life?
Speak, by Laurie Halse Anderson. I read it in high school, and it was the first book that I remember not being able to put down. That was the point in which I began reading for pleasure, rather than obligation. It was the first book that I really remember enjoying reading. It made me more interested in reading as a hobby. It’s kind of a dark book, so it’s not the best example, but the writing style was really easy.
Book with the best movie version?
I know it’s probably a very unoriginal answer, but The Notebook. I watched the movie, and it was a beautiful story, so I went out and bought the book right after seeing the movie. I liked the book just as much. I think normally when you read a book and then see the movie, you’re distracted by all the changes. But they were both very lovely stories.
Best author to read on airplanes?
I sleep on airplanes. That’s my downtime. I don’t do anything. I either sleep or play Soduku. I can sleep anywhere. I’m like an infant.
Fictional character you have nightmares about?
I don’t have a great answer, because I don’t love scary books or movies. I avoid them. And I feel like, in a lot of the books I read, the protagonist’s enemy is themselves. I read about a lot of self-torturing characters. I’m not big on happy endings.

Datum: 2010-01-30 Tid: 15:37:00
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Lauren's nya add för MARK

Datum: 2010-01-28 Tid: 12:35:58
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Lauren värdinna på The Bank

Lauren hade fixat sig så fint för att vara värdinna på The Bank I Las Vegas den 22/1. Lauren hade fest för hennes kommande bok Sweet Little Lies. Innan resan till Las Vegas twittrade Lauren :, “Haaaaaaaaaaaaappy Friday! Heading to a couple fittings then off to The Vegas with @jillyhendrix, Nate and KP! Yaaaye!”
 “It’s hailing! Prettiest rainbow stretched across the hills...”

Vi är verkligen glada över hennes framgång  keep going Lauren <3

Datum: 2010-01-24 Tid: 13:36:53
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Lauren Conrad för InStyle Magazine

Datum: 2010-01-21 Tid: 18:17:45
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Video: Lauren & Lo

Datum: 2010-01-19 Tid: 13:26:39
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Lauren för Kohl's


lauren kohls

lauren kohls2


Datum: 2010-01-18 Tid: 14:25:57
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Grattis Lauren

LaurenConrad "Yay! Paperback version of LA Candy is #5 on the New York Times Bestseller List! Just turned my day around (side eye at Restoration Hardware)"

Det går bara bra för Lauren och hennes böcker, önskar henne all lycka!

Datum: 2010-01-14 Tid: 13:22:06
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Lauren & Kyle på semester

Lauren och hennes stora kärlek Kyle är på semester i Mexico och lever i lyx. Tycker det är jätte roligt att dom är på semster och spenderar tid med varandra. Den jobbiga  biten är att dom är på semester men måste ägna sin tid till att gömma sig för papparazin.

Datum: 2010-01-05 Tid: 14:19:26
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8 snabba med Lauren Conrad

1. Vad är det första du tänker på när du vaknat?
"Vad jag ska äta till frukost."
2.Planerar du vad du ska ha på dig kvällen innan eller samma dag?
"Samma dag, sista minuten val."
3. Klocka eller ingen Klocka?
"Ingen klocka BlackBerryn har klocka och den har jag alltid med mig."
4. Samma parfym varje dag eller olika för olika tillfällen?
"Olika beroende på tillfälle. Jag har 15 parfymer i mitt badrum så jag har ofta beslutångest.."
5. Fukost, Lunch eller Middag vilken föredrar du mest?
"Jag älskar frukost, det kan hända att jag äter frukost till middag."
6. Gym eller aktiviter utomhus?
"Utomhus jag älskar vandring och Tennis."
7. Favvo tradition?
"Julafton. (Cliché)"
8. Vem snackar du med sist innan du lägger dig?
"Med den personen jag ser sist..."

Datum: 2010-01-02 Tid: 12:35:51
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Tips från Lauren

Lauren Conrad är i fullgång med att planera för sin andra bok som snart kommer ut i USA.Lauren har lämnat lite tips till er alla som ska komma till boksigneringen.

Jag är så glad att medela er att jag har datumen färdiga för när min näsa bok "sweet little lies" kommer ut.

Jag kommer träffa fans och kommer skriva aoutografer till er i min bok.I

Om ni planerar på att komma till en av signeringarna så kolla med bokaffären först för vissa av dom kräver att ni har en biljett för att kunna komma in.

Många av bokaffärerna kräver att ni köper boken hos dom i affären eller på deras hemsida.

Tyvärr så får ni inte ta kort, eller något annat som spela in eller något under tiden man står i kö för tyvärr så blir det att det tar mer tid och jag vill att alla ska kunna få sin bok signerad.

Vissa butiker tycker det är helt okej att ta kort så länge man inte står i kö utan vid sidan av.

Har du vägarna förbi kolla in var när och hur...... Klicka Här för datum och plats.

Datum: 2009-12-28 Tid: 13:01:55
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Lauren blev nr. 20

Det är en ära att vara nr. 20 av top kvinnor, eller vad säger ni? Men våran älskade Lauren Conrad lyckades alla fall. Vi vet ju själva att hon är helt underbar, hon har det lilla extra som fick oss att fastna för The Hills.

#20 Lauren Conrad
Så här skriver
LC, who was so adorable as a confused, jilted high school senior on "Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County," has, before our very eyes, deftly transformed herself into a cool and calculated lifestyle brand.
För att se hela listan, it's here :P
Datum: 2009-12-23 Tid: 22:22:52
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Sådan Mor Sådan Dotter

Lauren sågs ute med sin mamma i LA den 16/12. Lauren var lika vacker som alltid, och man förstår var hon har fått sitt vackra utseende från. Vad tycker ni?

Datum: 2009-12-20 Tid: 23:05:20
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