Audrina i FHM UK Magazine
Dillon's Irish Pub
Audrina och Ryan var på Dillion's Irish pub för att dom skulle spela in loite scener för The Hills.!
Audrina ute och shoppar.
Audrina var på Fred Segal och shoppade lite. Älskar hennes stilrena stil, hon har verkligen fått till det i denna outfiten.
Igår när Audrina var på actinclass så belv hennes bil bort boxerad. Hon fick betala närmare 400 dollar för det, usch jobbigt men Audrina hon har pengar hon så det är ingeting för henne
Audrina Bloggar
This is one of my fave combos to go around town in – comfy, rocker chic and simple! Dressing up or dressing down – I love fashion!
Get my look!
MASON by MICHELLE MASON white jersey V-neck top with edges
RICH and SKINNY distressed denim
GIUSSEPPE ZANOTTI blush colored stilettos
CHANEL chain wallet
See some of the items in my fashion page!
How would you dress up my daytime time look into a night out on the town?
Ryan ska vara med i The Hills
Ryan & Audrina var ute i Måndags och åt Sushi med Audrinas familj. Det börjar bli riktigt seriöst det där med att träffa föräldrarna är ett stort steg, får se vart detta leder.
Men nu till riktigt goda nyheter RYAN ska nämligen vara med i The Hills denna säsongen. Kul det ska bli.
Audrina bloggar : Mer bilder från florida
Here's the second half of the photos we took from my weekend in! It feels like that was ages ago! Time flies when you're having fun!! Has that ever happened to you? I feel like it happens to me all the time! Everything just goes by like a flash! I need to take more pictures to remember it all! I have a few friends that take pics all the time! That's a good habit to pick up.
In your group of friends are you the photographer?
Or are you forgetful like me ;)
Check out the pics we did take in my photo album. Click Here!
xoxo Audrina
Audrina's stalker är tillbaka
Kommer ni ihåg killen som hela tiden var utanför Audrinas hus och förföljde henne. Han heter Zachary Loring och fick förra året besöks förbud mot Audrina. Killen får inte närma sig varken henne eller hennes hus. Men nu är han tillbaka. Igår så kallades polisen till Audrinas hus, någon ringde och berättade att han var tilbaka och stog utanför dörren och bankade. Audrina var hemma när detta hände, när polisen anlände så hittade man Zach stå bankandes på dörren med en stor kniv i handen. Loring sitter nu i häktet och har fått en borgen på 160,000 dollar. Lika bra det så han inte kommer ut. Måste vara riktigt hemskt för Audrina när sånt här händer. Hoppas han skärper sig, jag fattar inte varför man gör så för en kändis.
Venice Beach Lovers
I Onsdags såga Audrina och hennes Hunk till pojkvänn Ryan ute på en fin promenad i Venice Beach.Audrina ser verkligen lycklig ut, jag hoppas verkligen att detta håller för det förtjänar hon.
Audrina bloggar om Miami
Audrina blogged:
More photos from my super bowl weekend – just like I promised~! A little late, but still here! Now that I think about it, I've been all over the place lately! I was in Florida for the Super Bowl, Maxim 2010 Party, ESPN's Next Event then there was a point when I was going back and forth from New York and New Jersey a couple of times and now I'm Las Vegas! I'm so much closer to home! Yet so far away! Can’t wait to hit the beaches! I hope I come back to CA in time before it starts raining again!!
Here are photos of me and the girls partying it up!!
Xoxo Audrina
Love these!!
Mer bilder från Audrinas Photoshoot
Audrina blogged:
February is such a crazy month! I mean this past weekend was full of so many fun events! The Winter Olympics have started, some people are celebrating New Years, and it was Valentine's Day yesterday! Today, it's president's day. Tomorrow is Mardi Gras! Then it’s Ash Wednesday! I'm sure I'm forgetting some events – there's just too many! So many reasons to celebrate! And so many things to do!
I've been so busy but I managed to do a photo shoot awhile back. Here are more photos from my photo shoot that I started posting last week by Andrew Matusik.
What are you celebrating? :)
Xoxo Audrina
Audrina bloggar!
"Yesterday was so fun! Last night, I went to the grand opening party for a French restaurant, Delphine, at the W Hollywood Hotel. The food was sooo tasty! I'm really happy I was able to sample some – there were over a thousand people at the event! Also, I got a chance to see Ashanti perform! She was amazing! I really liked her dress - she lit up the stage!"
Audrina Bloggar: New Photo Shoot
Audrina blogged:
Hey everyone! I'll be uploading a series of photos from my photo shoot with the wonderful Andrew Matusik! His photography is amazing! He's worked with all sorts of high profile celebrities. You might've seen some his stuff already in some magazines in your home! These photos are a bit behind the scenes. Let me know what you think!
Audrina & Ryan!
Audrina och Ryan
För tillfället är dom i Atlantic city, kanske för att fira en romantisk alla hjärtans, vi hoppas att vi får höra mer. Söta tillsammans är dom alla fall. Vi hoppas verkligen på att det håller i sig. Glad alla hjärtans!
Audrina & Ryan på Disney land
Dom försöker hålla sig undan så gott dom kan så dom åker tillomed till Disney land men ändå så hittar papparazin dom. Nej skojjar bara Audrina & Ryan var ute och njöt av tiden med varandra på Disney land. Det är officiellt nu att dom är tillsammans så dom har inget att gömma sig för.
Hoppas detta håller!
Audrina i Ask Men Interviu
By Vicki Hogarth @
AM : For people who don’t know, how did you originally get involved in The Hills, which came out of Laguna Beach?
AP : I was already living in L.A. and established. I had a full-time job at Quixote Studios. The place where I was living at the time – I was laying out on the sundeck of the pool. The executive producer Adam Divello was out there scouting the place for Lauren and Heidi because they were moving to L.A. He came up to me and talked to me, and I told what I was doing and why I was in L.A. and I wanted to do acting. I went in and met with the other people. I met Heidi and we became friends instantly. Lauren and I didn’t become friends instantly, but Heidi and I did. I started filming three weeks later. AM : Did you worry that going into reality TV might hinder your dreams of being an actor?
AP : Yes. I really did. I contemplated for days. I was so unsure. Then I thought, “What have I got to lose? I’ll just do this for the last part of the month and it will be a good experience in front of the camera.” Then five years later, I am still in it.
AM : I had read that you originally planned on leaving the show after the fifth season but you’ve signed on for season six. What was it that made you stay?
AP : I was going to sign off for good, and then I talked to the producers and I’m still doing my show. I’m not going to do the full season six. I’m doing it because it’s a good paycheck and it’s easy.
AM : When you do your spin off – called The Audrina Show, tentatively – what will the focus of that be?
AP : Everything from photo shoots to red carpet events to going to auditions -- my publicist and my team. The tone of it is very raw and very different from The Hills.
AM : Did you ever feel that you were misrepresented on The Hills?
AP : Yeah, totally. It’s so frustrating, and I get so angry because my fans really believe that sometimes. It’s really frustrating sometimes because I am playing myself, so sometimes in different situations it’s been edited or cut differently. I figure, with my show, it will be more raw and real. All the e-mails I get from my fans, they basically want to know more, like Why don’t they show the paparazzi? Why were you seen here with this person but it’s not on The Hills? Why aren’t you ever seen with The Hills people hanging out? So this is really me opening up my real private door and letting my friends come with me on my real… my journey. AM : Cool. I know that Kristin Cavallari has said that she came back to The Hills because she’s known for drama and she knows how to create it. Is that something you agree with [on The Hills] – that a lot of it is created for the sake of drama?
AP : The cameras are there, and you’re obviously going to hype things up a little bit, especially when there’s alcohol involved and going to clubs [laughs]. Definitely, it’s easy to create drama and make things more interesting.
AM : Is Spencer [Pratt] -- I can’t stand him because I only know him through what I read and what I watch -- is he really as awful of a person as I think he is?
AP : I don’t really know him, to be honest. I haven’t seen him since we filmed at Heidi [Montag]’s birthday last year. I really can’t say. I don’t really know how he is. I only see how he is in the tabloids. When I see him in person, I don’t really talk to him, so I have no idea.
AM : I know that you have spoken about Heidi's plastic surgery, which is obviously in the tabloids right now. Do you think that’s something she did as a publicity stunt or is it a self-image thing?
AP : That’s something you’d really have to ask her. I haven’t seen her or talked to her in person since she got it. We’ll text back and forth now and then, but that’s about it. I really don’t know. I haven’t even seen the inside of the [Us Weekly] magazine yet [that feautres a cover story on Heidi's surgery]; I’ve only seen the cover. That’s it.
AM : Did you have a reaction to her album not doing so well? There were only a thousand albums sold in the first week.
AP : I haven’t even heard her album yet. I know that she worked on it for three years. I don’t know. When I first met Heidi, she never wanted to be a singer. I think it’s just something she did to have fun with.
AM : Do you watch Jersey Shore? Because it's pretty much the exact opposite of you guys on The Hills.
AP : I know! I have watched it. It’s completely opposite!
AM : What do you think is the draw to that show and why it ended up working? AP : I watched it, and I watched about four episodes in a row. I was like, “Oh my God! What’s going to happen with Sammi and that guy?” I don’t know. You just want to see what else they’re going to do because they’re just so out there and random. There are always fights, and what they say! It’s so funny.
AM : Do you think though that they’ll be able to do a second season because they’ll be a lot more aware – like you already are – of the editing and the drama?
AP : I think they don’t care because they actually have cameras in the house. It reminds me of The Real World. I think we’re more aware -- or I know I am -- and I won’t do crazy things just to get a reaction and be crazy because I have a future and I want to go further in my future with acting. It depends if they have goals other than being drunk on a reality TV show.
AM : I also read, in terms of acting, that it’s possible that you will be starring in a film version of L.A. Candy [a novel based on The Hills by Lauren Conrad]. Do you know anything about that? AP : I haven’t even read the book. I am not going to star in it, and I’m not even going to be in it. I haven’t read the book at all. I have heard that Lauren based it off of us girls from the previous season. I heard how she portrayed my character, and it isn’t like me at all. She kind of made me sound really ditsy and stupid. So yeah, I don’t think so. I’ll pass on that.
AM :Have you experienced in your own life -- I’m thinking back to Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey -- is it possible to have a real love life when you are a star of a reality show or does it become a problem or an issue?
AP :It does become a problem because there is always drama and there are always people in your ear. You start questioning each other and whether things are true or if they’re false. If you’re not together all the time then you really don’t know. It’s really hard to have a relationship and be on a reality show, but I feel if you both start off where you’re very open about things and honest with each other then it could work.AM :If you could do it all over again with The Hills, would you still make the decision, looking back?
AP :You know what, I don’t regret it. I would definitely still do it. It was so much fun. The girls and I had our ups and downs, but for the most part, I had an amazing time filming The Hills and I experienced so much from it and learned so much, so definitely I would do it again.
AM :Do you find that you learn more about what’s happening in your life from the tabloids than you do from the actual people involved?
Yes. I find out in the tabloids that I’m dating someone before I actually am dating someone. Most of it is not true, and I try to clear up as much as I can on my Twitter or on my website, but a lot of time I just laugh at it. People are going to believe what they want.
AM :Can you really ignore the cameras [on the show] when they’re there and you’re filming a really emotional moment?
AP : Yeah. I think from filming so long that you learn how to block them out. Now, when we film, I don’t even feel that the cameras are there. I’m aware of them, but I don’t let that stop me from acting or still being emotional or saying what I’m going to say.AM :What’s your filming schedule actually like? Is it a Monday-to-Friday type thing?
AP :It really depends. This week we’re on hold Wednesday to Saturday, and the next week we are on hold Wednesday to Monday. It changes every week depending what’s going on and everybody’s schedule
AM :I know you were in Into the Blue this year. Do you have anything else – acting-wise – on the horizon?
AP: I did Into the Blue two years ago, I think. This past year, Sorority Row came out. That was really fun -- with Rumer [Willis] and Briana [Evigan] and everybody. I made such good friends from that. I’d love to do more movies, but it’s hard because when I do get parts, they require months of filming and, when filming a reality show, they don’t allow that. Well, with The Hills -- they don’t allow that -- but with my show, I can bring the cameras with me to the set.
AM : Do you think you will be friends with some of your cast members when you're done with The Hills?
AP: Yeah, I think I will stay in touch with everybody. I run into them. It’s obviously going to happen in L.A. It’s a big city, but it’s not so big because everybody goes to the same places. I’ll still stay in touch, and I’ll still see everybody now and then.AM :Is it going to be weird when you’re older and your kids are going to be able to watch it? Is that something that is exciting to you?
AP : Yes, it is, but I don’t want my kids watching it until they’re teenagers! [laughs] It will be exciting. You don’t watch it for years but when you do, all those memories come back and the feelings that you went through.
AM :It might be hard to tell them that you did things differently!
AP :I know.
AM :Do you think reality shows are here to stay, or do you think it is a phenomenon that might fade out over the next five years or so?
AP : I really feel like people are still interested in real people, and there are so many different kinds of reality TV right now. I think people think they can relate to the people on reality shows more than actors. But then again, who knows? This industry changes so quickly. You never know.
~ By Vicki Hogarth @
Audrina bloggar om Miami
Audrina blogged about the weekend:
What a game! It really got exciting after the on-side kick! How was your Super Bowl Sunday? I was there – saw the whole thing happen!! It was so much fun!
This weekend was action packed! Florida parties like no other! I met up with the girls along with Brody and Frankie to go to the 2010 Maxim Party at The Raleigh on Saturday. We had such a blast, I don't think we can out do ourselves ever again! I'm sure you'll see it in this coming season of The Hills! AND, FYI I did NOT have any sort of a wardrobe malfunction in Miami this weekend. It's sad that some blogs resort to making things up to get press! Look at my outfit! I don't even know how I would be able to fall out of that dress!
Btw, what do you think of our outfits? Do you think we fit the south beach look?
I know I'm late, but I'll have photos from the super bowl posted soon!
Geaux xoxo Saints!
Audrinas Nya Jobb
Audrina har fått ett nytt jobb. Hon är programledare för Yobi Tv. Kolla in Videon och tyck till om vad ni tycker om hennes som programledare!
Audrina ute på event
Dom är tillsammans!!
Det är sant, det är inte enbart ett rykte. Audrina & Ryan är tillsammans. Det söta paret har tagigt en semester tillsammans och befinner sig just nu i Mexico ,Cabo. Audrina & Ryan har dejtat varandra tidigare ( 3 år sen) men nu för 3 veckor sen så har dom hittat tillbaka till varandra. Tycker vi på Hillsandcity är jätte kul. Audrina ser lycklig ut.