Audrina & Brody ute och festar tillsammans!
Undrar vad han menar med det? Dejtar inte Audrina Ryan. Återstår att se eller hur. Men något skummt är det på G.
Tagen på bar gärning!
Audrina Bloggar ; Bilder från Cabo
Audrina bloggade:
"What a weekend!
I really got a lot done! I did almost everything that I had planned to do! We filmed for my show – and got to film with the fam <3! You'll get a good glimpse of my life at home with my family! I have the best time when I'm with them! I’m really excited to see the show come together! It’s totally different from what's out there.
On Saturday, my friends and family got together and we all went to Angel Stadium for supercross!! On Sunday, we all went cosmic bowling and I bowled a turkey ;) !! – that's three strikes in a row! Are you guys good at bowling? Topped the night off with some late night food, football and drinks! :)
Allssooo! Just got my hands on more pics from Cabo~! Better late than never! In these pics you can see my family and all the friends I made!"
Xoxo Audrina
Audrina Bloggar
Before the New Year, wanted to know who the top 99 desirable women of 2010 are. I was already really honored to be nominated in the company of such amazing women! Then yesterday, after the votes were counted, I found out I'm ranked 35th~!! Last year, I was number 68! I’m between Katy Perry at number 36 then Salma Hayek at number 34 – so crazy! They’re soo gorgeous!!
Here are some photos courtesy of!
Xoxo Audrina
Alltid Audrina
Audrina ska alltid paras ihop med ollika killar när hon är singel och denna gången är det igång igen. I går den 20/1 så spenderade Audrinas sin kväll med musikern Ryan Cabrera. Papparazin såg dom åka runt i bilen tillsammans. Rykten började först när man såg paret gå på Brodyway tillsammans där det sägs att dom satt och myste med varandra. jag tycker det måste vara jobbigt att vara Audrinas, stackaren kan inte ens ha en kill vän längre. Vad jag vet så är Audrina och Ryan vänner sen lång tid tillbaka.
Rock of Ages
Constantine Maroulis & Audrina Patridge posar backstage på Hit Rock Musical " Rock of Ages" på Brodyway den 17 Januari i New York
Audrina på LAX 15/1
Audrina Bloggar : Cabo San Lucas
You can check out a few of the pics in my photo album. Click Here.
Lunch with the frenemy!
I serien är dom fiender nu sitter dom och fikar tillsammans. Kristin och Audrina var nämligen ute och åt lunch tillsammans den 13 Januari och spelade även in avsnitt för The Hills. Vad händer är dom vänner nu?? Återstpår att se.
Audrina twittrade: "first day of filming the hills!!
Audrina Bloggar: 2010 Underwear as Outwear
I'm really loving the fashion trends for 2010! Seeing bold and bright colors is really refreshing! One trend that's always been on the runway and not so much on the street since the 80s is underwear as outerwear! It has really been on the rise as of late, and I think this is the year where the style will be perfected! Balance is very important to this trend! You don't want to look too outrageous. Subtlety is key!
Corsets, sheer tops, lingerie and slips, lace, thigh highs, one piece body suits, garters, camisoles, bras.
nipple covers, pantless...I'm sure I am forgetting some, but I know you guys can help add to the list!
Also don’t forget to accessorize! You gotta dress up the style -- don't just prance out in your underwear alone! I'm not sure if I would follow this trend, but I do love daring fashion risks! What do you think? Would you wear it?
Speaking of undergarments and slips – just added a small section to my fashion page – my underwear picks! Check them out here!
xoxo Audrina
Vänner eller ett par?
Hör upp alla nu, Audrina är singel. Trots alla paparazzi bilder på henne och Matt så är hon singel. Audrina och Matt är bara vänner säger hennes talsperson.
"absolutely not Audrina's new man."
"Audrina is completely single," the rep says. "Audrina and Matt have a few mutual friends, and he was in L.A. visiting them for a few days."
Audrina och Matt har gemensamma vänner och därför har dom synts tillsammans. vad tror ni är dom mer än vänner? Det är inte första killen som hon parats ihop med sen det tog slut mellan henne och Corey, hon parades ihop med Glee stjärnan sist, får se vad det kommer ut utav detta.
Men ni som går in på twitter ofta kanske har sett att Corey & Audrina skriver en hel del till varandra. Vet att dom är vänner men man vet aldrig kanske blir det dom två igen=)
Audrina Bloggar
Hi Everyone!
I've got baby names on the mind! It seems like people are talking about name ideas for everything all around me. Apparently, my name is on the rise in popularity for baby names in 2009. Growing up, I didn't really know anyone else with my first name. Now it's becoming really popular! People are naming their pets Audrina, I'm seeing dresses and shoes named Audrina! It's really wild! I'm sure a lot of it is just a coincidence -- but it's still really cool! I have my parents to thank for being so creative in giving me such a great name! :)
Look at all the fun stuff I found named Audrina:
Audrina Bias-Plaid Shirt from Delia's
Audrina Sneakers from Coach
Andrew Marc Audrina Hand Bag
My Sweet Audrina by V.C. Andrews (this book predates me a couple of years)
What kinds of things are named after you?
xoxo Audrina
Audrina Bloggar
1. Workout regularly
Like most people, exercise is part of my new years resolution, but I've been going strong since November! I just gotta keep it up! I'm not trying to lose weight, but I'm trying to stay fit and keep healthy.
2. Be organized
In order to do all of my resolutions from this year and last's, I need to get organized! I'm going to stick with my day planner and follow through on all my meetings and deadlines!
3. Eat healthy and drink a lot of (cucumber infused) water
I do eat my share of hamburgers. You guys already know about Carl's Jr. and I got an In-N-Out cheeseburger when I got back from my vacation in Casa Dorada – btw, if you haven't had one from there before, come to California and get one! I just need to eat balanced meals in reasonable portions – then treat myself to something tasty every once in awhile :).
4. Pamper myself once a month at the spa
I'm going to schedule this into my calendar every month in stone! So nothing's going to stop me! I suggest you guys do the same! Putting time aside for you is important and healthy!
5. Be on time
An oldie, but a goodie – I need to be on time!!
All my resolutions work hand in hand with each other, so I can't let my guard down on any of them! How are you guys doing on your resolutions so far?
xoxo Audrina Thanks to everyone who voted The Hills Favorite TV Obsession! Tonight we will find out if The Hills will win! We’re up against Dexter, Gossip Girl, The Secret Life of the American Teenager and True Blood. All good shows! Unfortunately, the voting in that category is now closed! It looks like only a couple categories are still open: Favorite New TV Drama and Favorite New TV Comedy… I’m not sure who to vote for yet – I haven't had the time to watch all the new shows yet!
The People's Choice Awards hosted by Queen Latifah will air tonight on CBS! You can get more info on their website: I'm curious to see who wins! Who did you vote for?
Xoxo Audrina
UPDATE: True Blood won for Favorite TV Obsession. No awards since Lauren left... (that I know of, feel free to correct me if you know otherwise).
Audrinas Nyår
Audrina firade nyårsafton i Los Cabos, Mexico. Hon firade den Casa Dorada Los Cabos Resort & Spa .
Här har ni ett foto på henne och sångerskan Jordin Sparks dom firade nyår på samma ställen.
Audrina's nya pojkvän - Matt Nordgren
Detta är Audrinas ny kille, det går undan här. NU får vi hoppas att det håller.
All lycka till dom <3
Audrina Bloggar : Hello 2010
Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful New Years Eve! I sure did! Hello 2010! Goodbye 2009 – you were good to me, but I'm ready for bigger and better things! Did you make any new year resolutions?
I did! Usually, I'm not very good at keeping my new year's resolution, but here are my resolutions from last year. Let's examine how well I did!
1. Be more punctual. (Not perfect, but getting better!)
2. Make more time for myself. (I could always use more of that!)
3. Read at least one new book a month. (So far so good!)
4. Learn a foreign language (I hear the best way to do so is by submerging yourself entirely and definitely getting Rosetta Stone! haha). (I got Rosetta Stone, but haven’t made too much progress yet!)
5. Visit three of the seven continents and contribute in a charitable way. (I haven’t done much traveling outside of North America in 2009, but I have gotten more involved with charities!)
This year is going to be big! So I'm still making my resolutions for 2010. I'm also still coming down from my vacation high -- so I'll post them when the list is complete!
Xoxo Audrina
Audrina bloggar
xoxo Audrina
Audrina har fullt upp!
Audrina Patridge var klädd i hel svart i LA den 19/12 då hon befann sig på klubben Tinseltown.Även denna kväll har hon kameror med sig, så vi får kanske se denna kväll på någon av avsnitten. Lägg märke till hennes mörkare hårfärg,hot or not?
Mycket filmande för Audrina nu, här har ni lite mer bilder på henne och hennes inspelningar.
Detta är bilder från 16/12 då spelade Audrina in avsnitt för hennes egna show.
Audrina har ju varit med i filmen The Sorority Row, någon som sätt den? Har ni inte gjort det så kommer
The Sorority Row släppas på DVD den 23 Februari.
Audrina's tidiga Jul
Som förberedelse för Julen så anordnade Audrina sin egna julfest på The Den restaurang i Sunset Boulevard den 18/ 12. Som vanligt så hade hon en massa kameror efter sig.
Det har blivit mycket jobb för Audrina nu när hon är med i 2 shower. Svårt att lista ut vad hon gör ute och vem hon spelar in för sin egen show eller the hills. Men denna gången så var det nog för sin egen show då Audrina anlände med sin syster Casey till festen.
Fråga Audrina.
Here's your chance to get answers directly from me! I have such a busy schedule and I never get to respond to all of your tweets and lovely comments. How could I ignore the best fans a girl can have? So, ask me all your fashion, love and life questions directly! I will put aside time for my biggest fans here!
Ashley Gaudet:
hi im ashley i just wanted to say im a huge fan and LOVE the hills! i was just wondering whats the situaion with you and justin as of this point?? and do you still talk with lauren or whittney?
Hi Ashley, Thank you!:)...As far as justin goes, at this point we are not friends or anything. I saw whitney at the finale in ny and i love her!! it was nice catching up! As far as lauren unfortunatley i never see her or talk to her.
hello, audrina, i want to know how you are doing and how is corey? are you still together with him or are you with justin?
Hii I am doing well:) corey is traveling alot, we still stay in touch and are friends. I am not with justin!!
Hey audrina I was wondering how do I get a body like yours?
Hi Sabrina! I try to stay active all the time. I lift weights when I'm in front of the TV and vacuum in my heels! Be creative! I work out 30 minutes once a week on an elliptical and after I do squats. I eat what I want but in sensible portions. Doing all that makes me feel fresh and more energetic. Best wishes!
Hi Audrina,Firstly, I'd like to say that your an amazing girl......I would like to know if you could please offer some health and fitness tips that have benefited you! Also some beauty advice in keeping fresh, blemish-free skin!Your advice will be much appreciated!
Eat in moderation and try to do cardio atleast 3 times a week!:) and wash face every day!
Förhoppningvis besvarade detta även några av era frågor och funderingar som ni har haft kring Audrina. Annars så får ni väl gå in på hennes hemsida och skriva just er fråga.