Vem bar den bäst?
Dillon's Irish Pub
Audrina och Ryan var på Dillion's Irish pub för att dom skulle spela in loite scener för The Hills.!
Audrina ute och shoppar.
Audrina var på Fred Segal och shoppade lite. Älskar hennes stilrena stil, hon har verkligen fått till det i denna outfiten.
Igår när Audrina var på actinclass så belv hennes bil bort boxerad. Hon fick betala närmare 400 dollar för det, usch jobbigt men Audrina hon har pengar hon så det är ingeting för henne
Lauren & Lo ute och handlar
I fredags så spenderade Lo & Lauren en hel dag tillsammans. Dom började med att hika och sen efter det gå och handla mat. Kul att dom umgås så mycket med varandra. Älskar dessa tjejer och deras äkthet.
Lauren : Video
Lauren snackar realtioner.
Här har ni 2 videon på Lauren när hon varit ute och singerat sin nya bok.
Inspelning på "Happy ending"
Kristin and Brody filmade för 'The Hills' på " Happy Endings" i Hollywood.
Man undrar vad som är på g nu, är det något som MTV har kokat ihop igen, och undra vad Avril tycker om det.
Spola fram till 2:20 ca och hör vad Jayde tycker om det med att Avril & Brody är tillsammans. Chokad!
Whitney spelar in för The City
Det har inte bara snöat i Sverige, och det kan man väl få vara lite glad för. Här har ni bilder på Whitney när hon är ute och spelar in för The City. Ser inte glad ut i snön inte. Kan hon ta :P
Kristin ute i LA
Kristin var ute i LA igår, men inte på dom vanliga ställen man brukar se henne på. Det är mycket shopping, frisören eller ute och fikar. Nej nu får vi se en annan sida av henne, här har vi henne när hon är ute och kollar på lite lokala konstnärers jobb. Ser ut som om hon vekligen tycker om det. Kul!
Efter ha varit och kollat lite konst så skulle Kristin dra vidare till frisören detta twittrade hon före., “About to get my hair done..should I go blonder?”
“onesWoo hoo its Friday!!! Have an awesome weekend everyone xxo”
Och detta efter:
My blonder hair. What do u think?!
Audrina Bloggar
This is one of my fave combos to go around town in – comfy, rocker chic and simple! Dressing up or dressing down – I love fashion!
Get my look!
MASON by MICHELLE MASON white jersey V-neck top with edges
RICH and SKINNY distressed denim
GIUSSEPPE ZANOTTI blush colored stilettos
CHANEL chain wallet
See some of the items in my fashion page!
How would you dress up my daytime time look into a night out on the town?
Heroes of Haiti
The Hills & The City
Först vill jag be om ursäkt för dålig uppdatering men jag ligger hemma med vinterkräksjukan och har verkligen inte orkat ta mig upp för att blogga. Hoppas ni förstår mig. NU till riktigt goda nyheter....
The Hills och The City kommer starta igen den 27 April ( avsnittten kommer som vanligt upp i bloggen)
Enligt Time Warner cabel så kommer detta vara den sista sesongen av The Hills, inget som är berkräftat än men som det ser ut så kommer det inte mer avsnitt efter denna sesongen. Riktigt synd för oss the hills fans. Men glada ska vi vara Audrina kommer snart upp med sin egna show och förmodligen så kommer dom andra också göra något för att hålla sig kvar i reality världen.
Lauren: Bonnie Hunt Show
Tjejkväll med Jayde!
Tidigare samma dag så twittrade Jayde: "Just donated a bunch of stuff & spent some time hanging w/ dogs that were just saved from being put down!! Thx girls!"
"Contact if u want to help!! Thx @shannontwins @kaylacollins, Deanna, and Stacey for helping out! Xox poor dogs :(
Brody lever livet i LA nattliv!
Ryan ska vara med i The Hills
Ryan & Audrina var ute i Måndags och åt Sushi med Audrinas familj. Det börjar bli riktigt seriöst det där med att träffa föräldrarna är ett stort steg, får se vart detta leder.
Men nu till riktigt goda nyheter RYAN ska nämligen vara med i The Hills denna säsongen. Kul det ska bli.
Kristin & Audrina BFF'S
Audrina & Kristin, rumgicks lite med varandra i Onsdags den 24 när dom besökte Diesel Store tillsammans. Tjejerna ser ut att vara jätte bra vänner i real life, alltid ett spel för kameran. Lovez it.
Lauren: Wendy Williams Show
Whitney för ZINK magazine
Whitney ska vara med i Mars numret av ZINK magazine. Här har ni en video på henne backstage. Bilder kommer så fort dom kommer ut.
NASCAR Sprint Cup Series Auto Club 500
Lauren är VERKLIGEN den sötaste tjejen i världen enligt mig. Hon är alltid lika söt och fin var hon än befinner sig, vare sig det är på hemma plan eller på bortaplan om man tänker på att hon faktist var på NASCAR Sprint Cup Series Auto Club 500 denna dagen. (21/2)
kk9team tweeted: Lauren Conrad of MTV's The Hills enjoying the Auto Club 500 from the @kk9team pit stall #nascar (thanks fot the heads up on the twit pic taylor : )!)
Film: Shutter Island
Roxy Olin var på premiären av filmen Shutter Island, I Onsdags. Roxy ser inte allt för glad på denna bilden men snygg är hon verkligen.
Audrina bloggar : Mer bilder från florida
Here's the second half of the photos we took from my weekend in! It feels like that was ages ago! Time flies when you're having fun!! Has that ever happened to you? I feel like it happens to me all the time! Everything just goes by like a flash! I need to take more pictures to remember it all! I have a few friends that take pics all the time! That's a good habit to pick up.
In your group of friends are you the photographer?
Or are you forgetful like me ;)
Check out the pics we did take in my photo album. Click Here!
xoxo Audrina
Lo & Stephanie på Phillipe Chow
Stephanie Pratt med vänner som Simon Huck, Kelly Osbourne och Jonathan Cheban var på restaurangen Phillipe Chow där dom var för att fira Jonathan Cheban's födelsedag. Lo och hennes pojkvän Scott var också där.
Jayde <3 Poker
Jayde var på WSOP celebrity poker turne i Lördags den 20/2.
Tidigare på kvällen så twittrade hon, “On my way to the WSOP celebrity poker tournament at Commerce Casino, barely alive and on no sleep! should be interesting lol”
Jag bara älskar hennes svarta fodral
Olivia: London fashion week
Olivia på Emilio de la Morena Fashion Week 2010 Show, Lördagen den 20/2 i London.
Olivia är som sagt ansiktet utåt för FREDA, Olivia var värdinna för visningen av FREDA och efter det närvarade hon vid middagen som dom höll.
Oliva ute i London
Olivia hann även med att gå på Unique Fashion Show på Fredagen den 19. Man märker verkligen att hon älskar mode, åker från NYC fashion week till London fashion week. We like it. Hon hann även med att gå på Top Shops visning på lördagen.
Lauren: Hos Jimmy Kimmel
Lauren var med live på Jimmy Kimmel show den 19/2
Samantha tweeted: "Laying on the beach in Miami w @jenamullen love her"
Kelly tweeted: "roxyolin callin the shots at davidelfin - tents bryant park y'all"
Lauren's lookbook för Kohl's
Nya bilder på Lauren's lookbook för Kohl's för mer bilder klicka här! Och Här!
Lo på Vivia Elivs världspremiär!
På med den snygga vita kl'nning och ett par snygga skort närvarade Lo vid världspremiärn Viva Elvis,i fredags den 19.
Audrina's stalker är tillbaka
Kommer ni ihåg killen som hela tiden var utanför Audrinas hus och förföljde henne. Han heter Zachary Loring och fick förra året besöks förbud mot Audrina. Killen får inte närma sig varken henne eller hennes hus. Men nu är han tillbaka. Igår så kallades polisen till Audrinas hus, någon ringde och berättade att han var tilbaka och stog utanför dörren och bankade. Audrina var hemma när detta hände, när polisen anlände så hittade man Zach stå bankandes på dörren med en stor kniv i handen. Loring sitter nu i häktet och har fått en borgen på 160,000 dollar. Lika bra det så han inte kommer ut. Måste vara riktigt hemskt för Audrina när sånt här händer. Hoppas han skärper sig, jag fattar inte varför man gör så för en kändis.
Venice Beach Lovers
I Onsdags såga Audrina och hennes Hunk till pojkvänn Ryan ute på en fin promenad i Venice Beach.Audrina ser verkligen lycklig ut, jag hoppas verkligen att detta håller för det förtjänar hon.
Stacie tycker om vitt!
Stacie tycker om fester med teman speciellt med vitt tema. Hon har nu varit på bode White Hot Winter Party at the Shrine som var i förra veckan, och häromdagen var hon på White Hot Party på The Estate.
We like, men måste bara säga att shit vad lätt det är att bli känd i USA. Stacie borde inte ens vara känd om jag hade fått bestämma.
Olivia för FREDA
Olivia är det nya ansiktet utåt för klädmärket FREDA.
Lägger upp mer bilder så fort det kommer ut mer.
Lauren Twitter
Lauren twittrade denna bilden, på väg till The Bonnie Hunt Show. Kul att hon gör mer showe roligt att kolla på.
Brody & Avril
Hunken Brody var ute och festade i Tisdag, här har ni en video på han när han åker från klubben. KOlla vem som sitter bak i bilen om inte AVRIL. Vad är det som händer, jag hoppas verkligen inte dom är tillsammans. Vad tycker ni, mer udda kan det inte bli.
Olivia jobbar också som Model, inte bara Johannes!
Inspelningen är i full gång!
StephaniePratt "Filming! Have a goodnight everyone! Xoxo"
Hela The Hills gänget verkade vara samlad igår på klubben. Audrina hon kom dit med sin pojkvän Ryan. Hoppas vi får se dessa sener i The Hills kul att se han med.
Kristin & Stacie spelar in The Hills
Kristin & Stacie var på Doughboys Café, i Onsdags den 17/2. Boda två var jätte söta, kul att se att inspelningen är igång och att vi snart får se avsnitten.
I videon får Kristin frågan om vem som kan startat tyktet om att hon ska vara drog beroende och på väg till rehab. Kristin menar på att hon har aningar om vem det är som sagt det men vill inte hänga ut någon,
Whitney & Roxy ute och shoppar
Tjejerna var ute i NY och shoppade tillsammans igår. Dom hade klätt på sig varmt för det är verkligen jätte kyligt i NYC. Duktiga tjejerna är som tar hand om sig själva. Det får vi göra här i Sverige också, för satan vad kallt det är i Malmö idag!
Är Kristin beroende av droger?
Here we go again.
Jag har sagt det innan och kommer säga det igen, det är verkligen inte lätt att vara känd. Kristin har fått vara med om lite dålig publicitet dom senaste dagarna. Då en tidning i USA bestämmde sig att trycka sin framsida på Kristin där det står att hon är beroende av droger. MTV har snackat ut om detta till media och dom menar på att det inte finns någon chans att hon skulle vara beroende av droger. Jag kan tänka mig att det inte är sant, men det måste verkligen vara jobbigt för henne som har så många fans som ser upp till henne, och dom ska behöva läsa nått sånt verkligen synd.
Kristin twittrade om artiklen:
"To all my fans: PLEASE don't believe what u read and hear this wk. Its NOT true!!!! I am happy and HEALTHY"
"Thank u to my fans, REAL friends, and family. Love u guys and u know the real me"
Till något helt annat:
Visste ni att Krisin brukar ge blod fastän att hon verkligen inte tycker om det. Bra att göra det tycker jag, jag gör också det för det finns människor som behöver det verkligen. Kristin twittrade om när hon va och skulle ge blod häromdagen.Kristin tweeted:
"Donating blood right now for music saves lives. Soo nervous!! I hate giving blood but its for a good cause :)"
Whitney Bloggar
Audrina bloggar om Miami
Audrina blogged:
More photos from my super bowl weekend – just like I promised~! A little late, but still here! Now that I think about it, I've been all over the place lately! I was in Florida for the Super Bowl, Maxim 2010 Party, ESPN's Next Event then there was a point when I was going back and forth from New York and New Jersey a couple of times and now I'm Las Vegas! I'm so much closer to home! Yet so far away! Can’t wait to hit the beaches! I hope I come back to CA in time before it starts raining again!!
Here are photos of me and the girls partying it up!!
Xoxo Audrina
Love these!!
Fashion Week del 2
Erin Lucas, Samantha Swetra & Adrienne Bailou var på WALTER's under modeveckan. Vad gör man inte för mode, tjejerna går därifrån i snöoväder, vet inte vad Erin blir sur över men det slutar med att on pekar vinger åt paparazzin (paraplyet). Skoj!
Här har ni en video från Fashion Week i Måndags.
Whitney Portvar på Erin Fetherston visning i Söndags. Hon sa i en intervju där att hon var där för att få insperation till hennes kommande collection.
Heidi's nya singlar
Heidi Montag var ute i LA igår. Hon har verkligen fixat en massa på sin kropp och det märks verkligen bara kolla in hennes bröst dom ser ut som två fotbollar. Tycker inte om det alls faktist vad tycker ni om Heidis operationer. Heidi har även släppt singel idag och inte bara en utan hon släppte 2 st bara för att hon tycker om oss så mycket.. Så här har ni hennes nya singlar, lyssa och tyck till.
Poug ute och reser, (men det vet vi nu)
Badgley Mischka Show
Samantha tweeted: "Badgley show- they sat @erin_lucas
next to me! They know :)"
Jag bara ÄLSKAR Erins klänning, verkligen min stil. Vad jag hade velat ha den, vad tycker ni om hennes outfit?
Whitney Bloggar
Hi guys!
I hope that those of you who had work or school off yesterday had a lovely day! I spent my day in Vegas with part of my fam. Whenever we are in Vegas we ALWAYS go to N9NE in the Palms Hotel. It is one of my family's favorite restaurants and they have the best steak and seafood! Here are some pics of us at dinner!
Where do you like to eat in Vegas?
Lauren Bloggar
Hunken Brody
Det bar inte bara tjejer som köade utanför Enclave i Lördags utan även en hel del killar. Brody var nämligen där för att vara värd för en fest. Inte konstigt Brody är en snygging han jag hade också stått i kö för att träffa han!
Brody Jenner var även värd för Vanity Nightclub på alla härtans dag i Söndags. På festen kunde man bl.a se Lil' Bow Wow, Javon Walker, och Jason Giambi.
Killarna såg ut att ha riktigt roligt tillsammans.
Jag ville bara påminna er om att ni kan lägga till mig på Bloglovin.
Klicka på bilden för att följa mig.
I bloggen kommer det dagliga uppdateringar om våra älskade The Hills & The City tjejer/killar.
Något man verkligen inte vill missa.
Glöm inte att kommentera.
Jaydes bilder missbrukas
Jayde's bilder har blivit använda av en escort firma i Las Vegas. Dom har använt en av hennes bilder till en plansch där man skriver på planschen att endast för 35 dollar så kommer "Tanya" hem till dig.
"Tanya" är alltså Jayde. Jayde har anmält detta till polisen då det är olagligt att använda andras bilder för egen vinning. Man har kontaktat eskort firman och dom står fast vid att det är den tjejen som är på bilden som man betalar för. Konstigt det där eller så är det en tjej som verkligen liknar Jayde eller så är det att dom inte vill erkänna att dom har gjort något olagligt.
Brody + Avril = sant?
Nya iaktagelser sägter att Brody kanske inte är singel så länge till. Vittnen säger att Brody har börjat dejta ingen mindre än Avril Lavigne. Paret sågs för första gången tillsammans när dom var åt middag tillsammans den 4 Feb på KOI.
"They're hooking up," , "but they're keeping it low-key."
Efter middagen så lämnade dom KOI tillsammans och gick vidare till klubben Voyer. Sen såg dom nu i Torsdags då dom besökt Voyeur tillsammans igen.
Brody & Avrile blev boda singlar i slutet på förra året, men jag kan inte koppla ihop detta. Brody är alltid ute efter den där Playboy modellen medans Avril tycker om lite punkigare killar så det klickar inte riktigt. Men man vet aldrig kanske är dom ett par. Det lär vi få veta snart tror jag.
Mer bilder från Audrinas Photoshoot
Audrina blogged:
February is such a crazy month! I mean this past weekend was full of so many fun events! The Winter Olympics have started, some people are celebrating New Years, and it was Valentine's Day yesterday! Today, it's president's day. Tomorrow is Mardi Gras! Then it’s Ash Wednesday! I'm sure I'm forgetting some events – there's just too many! So many reasons to celebrate! And so many things to do!
I've been so busy but I managed to do a photo shoot awhile back. Here are more photos from my photo shoot that I started posting last week by Andrew Matusik.
What are you celebrating? :)
Xoxo Audrina
Whitney: New York Fashion Week
Whitney Port missar verkligen inte en ända dag av NY fashion week. Whitney har varit på många olika shower i veckan, här har ni bilder på henne från dag 4 när hon var på Rebecca Taylor Fall 2010 show, på söndagen så var Whitney även påMercy’s Michelle Trachtenberg.
Whitney såg riktigt snygg ut i sin silver klänning men hon vi tycker extra mycket om hennes nya hår.
Medans Whitney ändå var på gång så passade hon även på att gå på Erin Fetherston & Catherine Maladrino visningar innan hon gick hem.
Bye "Ugly Betty" Hello Fashion Week
Olivia & Erin QVC Style Party
Roligt att Olivia och Erin går på samma event tillsammans. Inte ofta det händer. Olivia tycker jag har börjat spåra ut tycker jag när det gäller hennes outfit val, vad tycker ni?
Erin var lika snygg som vanligt.
Jayde lovez party
Jayde Nicole och Jessica Hall var på the G Lounge för att fira deras 2års anniversary. Festen var sponsrad av bla. Playboy Energy Drink och Azunia Tequila.
Jayde såg ut och ha jätte roligt i sin röda outfit. we like it..
Bilder på när Jayde landade i LAX.
Whitney Bloggar: Om hennes nya jobb
"Hi guys,
I wanted to share this really exciting news with all of you! Today it has finally been announced that I am the spokesperson for Zeno! I am so excited for this new product! It zaps zits in 24 hours!!! I had a lot of fun filming the commercial last weekend and made lots of new crew friends!" xoxo,WhitTo
Audrina bloggar!
"Yesterday was so fun! Last night, I went to the grand opening party for a French restaurant, Delphine, at the W Hollywood Hotel. The food was sooo tasty! I'm really happy I was able to sample some – there were over a thousand people at the event! Also, I got a chance to see Ashanti perform! She was amazing! I really liked her dress - she lit up the stage!"
Olivia för Susan Woo
Här har vi en liten preview på Susan Woo's snygga kollektion och självklart vår egna snygga Olivia, det ser ju riktigt bra ut. Är redan såld på den tredje bildens jacka och den fjärde bildens kjol, någon som håller med?
Heidi är tillbaka, no more "heiding".
Heidi valde Vegas för att visa sitt nya ansikte för världen, första gången 13 feb. Självklart måste man slå på stort och vad är bättre än Caesar's Palace som självklart ville ha Heidi som host för en välförtjänt summa. För att vara lite positiva ser Heidi's ansikte bättre ut än de första bilderna vi såg.
Tyvärr så är det inte lika vackert som förr, men saker förändras!
Nu kommer lite härliga bilder från Heidi's photo shoot, för Valentine's day.
Heidi visar sig själv efter den enorma förädring hon genomgått, denna gång är det dags för Valentine's day att få sin lilla dos av Heidi! Och eftersom Spencer hade fixat allting innan var det ju självklart läge för en fotografering, eller vad säger ni? Vi har ju ändå saknat Heidi och hennes små roligheter lite, eller?
Ja Heidi ser ut att njuta av sin alla hjärtansdag, det får vi väl hoppas att hon njöt av degen också.
Alla hjärtansdag hälsning!
whitneyEVEport "Happy valentines day from sami and I!!! Xoxoxo"
Hoppas att ni hade en bra alla hjärtansdag, våra tjejer verkar alla fall glada över att ha varandra på denna dag. Hmm.. Alltså inge nya pojkar? Eller står dom i ett hörn och lurar?..
Poug ute och reser ( som vanligt)
Poug landade i La Paris i Tisdags den 9/2- Dom bodde på Ritz Carlton, shoppade en hel del gjorde dom, dom var inne på djur affärer och shoppade tills dem inte orkade mer.
Hela tiden på språng så landade Poug i LA i fredags efter ha varit i Paris. Jag önskar jag kunde få vara dom 2 bara för en vecka eller något. Dom lever livet.
Värsta Alla Hjärtans Dag
Stjärnorna får alltid killarna på tv, men det är inte alltid det är så i verkligen livet. Här har ni berättelse från Bla Lauren om hennes värsta Alla hjärtans dag.
Lauren Conrad
"In high school, I remember me and my friend were dating best friends and we went to a restaurant and we decorated the table and had presents waiting and had them meet us there on Valentine's Day and my date showed up drunk! I was really bummed. I put hours of work into it and he showed up drunk."
Jessica Biel
"In fourth grade, I made the big huge card for a boy. I found it in the trash later in the day. It's cool. It's fine. I feel like I am better for it…not that I'm still thinking about it or anything."
Hayden Panettiere
"I went through a bad breakup and spent the day at a restaurant called Birds, where they had an anti-Valentine's Day party. You can hang up notes like I HATE HIM or HE WAS MEAN TO MY DOG and make a voodoo doll out of your ex and poke it."
Audrina Bloggar: New Photo Shoot
Audrina blogged:
Hey everyone! I'll be uploading a series of photos from my photo shoot with the wonderful Andrew Matusik! His photography is amazing! He's worked with all sorts of high profile celebrities. You might've seen some his stuff already in some magazines in your home! These photos are a bit behind the scenes. Let me know what you think!
Olivia för Haiti
Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week är i fullgång och ingen mindre än Olivia var på Bryant Park i NYC i fredags den 13/2 för att gå på vatwalken. Olivia och hennes pojkvän Johannes var med och gick på Naomi Cambells Fashion for reliefe Haiti. Naomi Cambell valde att fixa en show just för alla offer i Haiti, kul att någon bryr sig om man säger så. Jag tycker sånt är jätte viktigt och sen var det roligt att vi fick se Olivia på catwalken det är bara ett plus.
Olivia kommer på 2:16 hon gjorde ett grymmt jobb!
New York Fashion Week
Roxy Olin var på alice + olivia Fashion Week presentation på The Hotel Gansevoort den 13/2
Roxy tweeted:
"Alice + olivia was amazing!!! Running around like crazy QVC then capitale!!! As @whitneyEVEport mom would say "you can sleep when ur dead"
Charlotte Ronson Fall 2010 Fashion Show 12/2
Twinkle By Wenlan Fall 2010 Fashion Show13/2
Adam Fall 2010 Fashion Show 13/2
alice + olivia Fashion Week presentation och live performance på Provocateur The Hotel Gansevoort 13/2
Spencer slår på stort!
spencerpratt "Just surprised @heidimontag with Frederick's of Hollywood lingerie for V-Day! Check out" - 5 minutes ago from Echofon
It's valentines
Jayde_Nicole "Oh my G! Lol our lingerie message, enjoy :)"
Jayde snygg som alltid i en het röd korsett, har hon någon att dela med sig av den till? Hmm.. Det är den stora frågan. Alla hjärtans dag är här. Kommer våra frågor att bli besvarade? Vi hoppas på det!
Whitney har sin egna valentine:
whitneyEVEport "Loving fashion week in the slush! It is my valentine!"
Lo ser allting positivt:
LoBosworth "best v-day weekend EVER!!!! xoxo"
Men inga nya bilder, så vi tar en härlig. För visst blir man på lite bättre humör när man ser en glad Lo?!
Ha en riktigt bra Alla hjärtans dag!
Audrina & Ryan!
Audrina och Ryan
För tillfället är dom i Atlantic city, kanske för att fira en romantisk alla hjärtans, vi hoppas att vi får höra mer. Söta tillsammans är dom alla fall. Vi hoppas verkligen på att det håller i sig. Glad alla hjärtans!
Jayde kollar ishocky
Jayde_Nicole "The ducks win! Off to celebrate! Xox" about 14 hours ago from UberTwitter
Jayde_Nicole "In the limo on the way to my first NHL hockey game with jager in hand! :) GO DUCKS! :)" about 17 hours ago from UberTwitter
Erin Lucas på Rebecca Miknoff Launch
Audrina & Ryan på Disney land
Dom försöker hålla sig undan så gott dom kan så dom åker tillomed till Disney land men ändå så hittar papparazin dom. Nej skojjar bara Audrina & Ryan var ute och njöt av tiden med varandra på Disney land. Det är officiellt nu att dom är tillsammans så dom har inget att gömma sig för.
Hoppas detta håller!
Roxie's Doggy Dinner Party
Ports 1961 NY fashion Week
New York Fashion Week är i full gång och det samlas en massa kändisar för att se dom olika showerna. Våra tjejer från The City missar ingentling när det kommer till mode. Förra året när fashion week var tror jag inte dom missade en ända "stor" show. Och här har vi dom igen. Olivia kom själv medans Roxy & Whit kom tillsammans.
Whitney tweeted: "roxy olin and I at the ports1961 fashion show!"
Roxy & Alex
Roxy tweeted: "Mara hoffman show rocked"
AXE Party
Vem bar den bäst?
Super Bowl
Brody tweeted:
"Check this pic out of the boys!!!! Amazing game!!!!!"
Killarna firade i Söndags att The Saints vann super Bowl
Kelly och hennes nya show
Kelly är ute och promotar hennes nya show. Här har ni en video på henne när hon va med i The Bonnie Hunt Show.
Whitney ute i Soho 8/2
Det går bra för Whitney i NY, hennes liv går bara framåt. Hon älskar att jobba med sin serie och det märker man verkligen. Whintey sågs nyligen ute i Soho där hon var och filmade för The City.Whitney var verkligen jätte snygg och jag bara älskar hennes stövlar vad tycker ni?
Audrina i Ask Men Interviu
By Vicki Hogarth @
AM : For people who don’t know, how did you originally get involved in The Hills, which came out of Laguna Beach?
AP : I was already living in L.A. and established. I had a full-time job at Quixote Studios. The place where I was living at the time – I was laying out on the sundeck of the pool. The executive producer Adam Divello was out there scouting the place for Lauren and Heidi because they were moving to L.A. He came up to me and talked to me, and I told what I was doing and why I was in L.A. and I wanted to do acting. I went in and met with the other people. I met Heidi and we became friends instantly. Lauren and I didn’t become friends instantly, but Heidi and I did. I started filming three weeks later.
AM : Did you worry that going into reality TV might hinder your dreams of being an actor?
AP : Yes. I really did. I contemplated for days. I was so unsure. Then I thought, “What have I got to lose? I’ll just do this for the last part of the month and it will be a good experience in front of the camera.” Then five years later, I am still in it.
AM : I had read that you originally planned on leaving the show after the fifth season but you’ve signed on for season six. What was it that made you stay?
AP : I was going to sign off for good, and then I talked to the producers and I’m still doing my show. I’m not going to do the full season six. I’m doing it because it’s a good paycheck and it’s easy.
AM : When you do your spin off – called The Audrina Show, tentatively – what will the focus of that be?
AP : Everything from photo shoots to red carpet events to going to auditions -- my publicist and my team. The tone of it is very raw and very different from The Hills.
AM : Did you ever feel that you were misrepresented on The Hills?
AP : Yeah, totally. It’s so frustrating, and I get so angry because my fans really believe that sometimes. It’s really frustrating sometimes because I am playing myself, so sometimes in different situations it’s been edited or cut differently. I figure, with my show, it will be more raw and real. All the e-mails I get from my fans, they basically want to know more, like Why don’t they show the paparazzi? Why were you seen here with this person but it’s not on The Hills? Why aren’t you ever seen with The Hills people hanging out? So this is really me opening up my real private door and letting my friends come with me on my real… my journey.
AM : Cool. I know that Kristin Cavallari has said that she came back to The Hills because she’s known for drama and she knows how to create it. Is that something you agree with [on The Hills] – that a lot of it is created for the sake of drama?
AP : The cameras are there, and you’re obviously going to hype things up a little bit, especially when there’s alcohol involved and going to clubs [laughs]. Definitely, it’s easy to create drama and make things more interesting.
AM : Is Spencer [Pratt] -- I can’t stand him because I only know him through what I read and what I watch -- is he really as awful of a person as I think he is?
AP : I don’t really know him, to be honest. I haven’t seen him since we filmed at Heidi [Montag]’s birthday last year. I really can’t say. I don’t really know how he is. I only see how he is in the tabloids. When I see him in person, I don’t really talk to him, so I have no idea.
AM : I know that you have spoken about Heidi's plastic surgery, which is obviously in the tabloids right now. Do you think that’s something she did as a publicity stunt or is it a self-image thing?
AP : That’s something you’d really have to ask her. I haven’t seen her or talked to her in person since she got it. We’ll text back and forth now and then, but that’s about it. I really don’t know. I haven’t even seen the inside of the [Us Weekly] magazine yet [that feautres a cover story on Heidi's surgery]; I’ve only seen the cover. That’s it.
AM : Did you have a reaction to her album not doing so well? There were only a thousand albums sold in the first week.
AP : I haven’t even heard her album yet. I know that she worked on it for three years. I don’t know. When I first met Heidi, she never wanted to be a singer. I think it’s just something she did to have fun with.
AM : Do you watch Jersey Shore? Because it's pretty much the exact opposite of you guys on The Hills.
AP : I know! I have watched it. It’s completely opposite!
AM : What do you think is the draw to that show and why it ended up working?
AP : I watched it, and I watched about four episodes in a row. I was like, “Oh my God! What’s going to happen with Sammi and that guy?” I don’t know. You just want to see what else they’re going to do because they’re just so out there and random. There are always fights, and what they say! It’s so funny.
AM : Do you think though that they’ll be able to do a second season because they’ll be a lot more aware – like you already are – of the editing and the drama?
AP : I think they don’t care because they actually have cameras in the house. It reminds me of The Real World. I think we’re more aware -- or I know I am -- and I won’t do crazy things just to get a reaction and be crazy because I have a future and I want to go further in my future with acting. It depends if they have goals other than being drunk on a reality TV show.
AM : I also read, in terms of acting, that it’s possible that you will be starring in a film version of L.A. Candy [a novel based on The Hills by Lauren Conrad]. Do you know anything about that?
AP : I haven’t even read the book. I am not going to star in it, and I’m not even going to be in it. I haven’t read the book at all. I have heard that Lauren based it off of us girls from the previous season. I heard how she portrayed my character, and it isn’t like me at all. She kind of made me sound really ditsy and stupid. So yeah, I don’t think so. I’ll pass on that.
AM :Have you experienced in your own life -- I’m thinking back to Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey -- is it possible to have a real love life when you are a star of a reality show or does it become a problem or an issue?
AP :It does become a problem because there is always drama and there are always people in your ear. You start questioning each other and whether things are true or if they’re false. If you’re not together all the time then you really don’t know. It’s really hard to have a relationship and be on a reality show, but I feel if you both start off where you’re very open about things and honest with each other then it could work.
AM :If you could do it all over again with The Hills, would you still make the decision, looking back?
AP :You know what, I don’t regret it. I would definitely still do it. It was so much fun. The girls and I had our ups and downs, but for the most part, I had an amazing time filming The Hills and I experienced so much from it and learned so much, so definitely I would do it again.
AM :Do you find that you learn more about what’s happening in your life from the tabloids than you do from the actual people involved?
Yes. I find out in the tabloids that I’m dating someone before I actually am dating someone. Most of it is not true, and I try to clear up as much as I can on my Twitter or on my website, but a lot of time I just laugh at it. People are going to believe what they want.
AM :Can you really ignore the cameras [on the show] when they’re there and you’re filming a really emotional moment?
AP : Yeah. I think from filming so long that you learn how to block them out. Now, when we film, I don’t even feel that the cameras are there. I’m aware of them, but I don’t let that stop me from acting or still being emotional or saying what I’m going to say.
AM :What’s your filming schedule actually like? Is it a Monday-to-Friday type thing?
AP :It really depends. This week we’re on hold Wednesday to Saturday, and the next week we are on hold Wednesday to Monday. It changes every week depending what’s going on and everybody’s schedule
AM :I know you were in Into the Blue this year. Do you have anything else – acting-wise – on the horizon?
AP: I did Into the Blue two years ago, I think. This past year, Sorority Row came out. That was really fun -- with Rumer [Willis] and Briana [Evigan] and everybody. I made such good friends from that. I’d love to do more movies, but it’s hard because when I do get parts, they require months of filming and, when filming a reality show, they don’t allow that. Well, with The Hills -- they don’t allow that -- but with my show, I can bring the cameras with me to the set.
AM : Do you think you will be friends with some of your cast members when you're done with The Hills?
AP: Yeah, I think I will stay in touch with everybody. I run into them. It’s obviously going to happen in L.A. It’s a big city, but it’s not so big because everybody goes to the same places. I’ll still stay in touch, and I’ll still see everybody now and then.
AM :Is it going to be weird when you’re older and your kids are going to be able to watch it? Is that something that is exciting to you?
AP : Yes, it is, but I don’t want my kids watching it until they’re teenagers! [laughs] It will be exciting. You don’t watch it for years but when you do, all those memories come back and the feelings that you went through.
AM :It might be hard to tell them that you did things differently!
AP :I know.
AM :Do you think reality shows are here to stay, or do you think it is a phenomenon that might fade out over the next five years or so?
AP : I really feel like people are still interested in real people, and there are so many different kinds of reality TV right now. I think people think they can relate to the people on reality shows more than actors. But then again, who knows? This industry changes so quickly. You never know.
~ By Vicki Hogarth @
Audrina bloggar om Miami
Audrina blogged about the weekend:
What a game! It really got exciting after the on-side kick! How was your Super Bowl Sunday? I was there – saw the whole thing happen!! It was so much fun!
This weekend was action packed! Florida parties like no other! I met up with the girls along with Brody and Frankie to go to the 2010 Maxim Party at The Raleigh on Saturday. We had such a blast, I don't think we can out do ourselves ever again! I'm sure you'll see it in this coming season of The Hills! AND, FYI I did NOT have any sort of a wardrobe malfunction in Miami this weekend. It's sad that some blogs resort to making things up to get press! Look at my outfit! I don't even know how I would be able to fall out of that dress!
Btw, what do you think of our outfits? Do you think we fit the south beach look?
I know I'm late, but I'll have photos from the super bowl posted soon!
Geaux xoxo Saints!
Whitney Bloggar: Bästa minnen från alla hjärtans dag
Hi my loves!
With Valentine's Day just around the corner, I thought it would be fun to share my most memorable VDay experience with you!
My very first date with my last boyfriend just happened to take place on Valentine's Day and he found out my favorite food, favorite candy and favorite music and then showered me with all of them. We went to a steakhouse, he brought me about a pound of chocolate covered gummy bears and bought me a Beatles Compilation CD. A little much for a first date but I tried not to get irked and looked at it as sweet instead of overwhelming.
Anyway, I have a vivid image of going out afterward and watching him try to jump over a parking meter. After seeing he was able to do this, my competitive side came out full force and I just had to try it. Why I thought this would be acceptable to do in a dress and boots is beyond me. However, next thing you know I'm flat on my face after a failed attempt at hurdling the meter. Olympics, here I don't come!
So the moral of the story is, I try to be as fun of a date as possible and it's ok if I embarrass myself.
If you think I sound like someone you'd be compatible with, then be sure to enter my contest before Valentine's Day to win a date with me in NYC.
There might not be meter-hopping (I've learned my lesson), but I'm sure you'll get to witness a clumsy Whit moment or two, and trust me, they happen pretty frequently haha. Can't wait to meet one of you!!
The Hills gänget tillbaka i LA
The Hills gänget anlände till LA igår efter ha varit i Miami
Kristin tweeted:
"FINALLY home. Cannot wait to sleep in my own bed and cuddle with my munchkin Bardot!!! :)" awww
Garnier super fructis Salong i Miami
Mer bilder från MAXIM
Audrinas Nya Jobb
Audrina har fått ett nytt jobb. Hon är programledare för Yobi Tv. Kolla in Videon och tyck till om vad ni tycker om hennes som programledare!
Brody njuter av Miami!
Brody Jenner var på Celebrity Beach Bowl på W Hotel i South Beach, Florida. Brody hade roligt med sina vänner i det fina vädret. Kan livet bli bättre?
Lauren är verkligen älskad!
Detta skrev Lauren till Sophia:
To my dear friend Sophia. Your friendship and support have meant so much to me. I love you, big sister.
Sophias blogg: Sophia skrev ett inlägg till Lauren i hennes blogg. Verkligen jätte fint och kul att dom fortfarande är vänner. Önskar man hade en vän som henne.
Today is Lauren Conrad’s birthday and I wanted to share the reasons why I love her. FOr the past 6 years we have managed to turn our working relationship into sisterhood and I am thankful everyday for this. Lauren has the best spirit and biggest heart. I will always remember traveling together , spending long hours laughing and even crying. Happy Birthday my little sister..
1. Lauren can curl her hair in less then 10 mins unless you fight with her and she will tell you it takes her 30 mins
2. Lauren is my favorite hiking partner, she will even laugh at you when you slide down the hill.
3. Lauren is the most LOYAL and GENEROUS to her friends. She loves them with all her heart and it’s truly sweet to see.
4. Lauren is really competitive and pretty much good at most things. Especially when I would make her be my assistant on her own show.
5. Lauren has a skill set where she can come up with great names for characters and can tell a great story..BONUS REASON
I know Lauren is my little sister and a true friend, because I can be silent around her and even be moody. Thats real love.
Mer bilder på Lauren för Kohl's
Lauren har ett stort hjärta!
Lauren har tagigt en Paus från hennes bok turne för att jobba lite med MARK. Lauren gör allting för att kunna hjälpa till olika organisationer denna gången har hon tillsammans med företaget MARK kommit ut med några produkter som ska tillverkas och säljas där alla intäkter ska gå till välgörenhet. Det tycker vi om..
Här har ni produkterna som ska säljas.
Alla trodde att Lauren var i NYC för att spela in ett avsnitt för The City ( Hon ska va med i ett avsntit) men hon var istället här för att presentera detta underbara projekt.
Min mamma tyckte jag såg ut som ett freak!
Jayde som modell!
Jayde har bytt bort sina bikinis till en mer stilren look i denna fotoshoot. Vi har en massa bilder på Jayde i bikini, kul att hon har gjort en fotografering som visar en stilren Jayde. Vad tycker ni? ( vet ej vem fotograferingen är för återkommer med det!
Holly i Miami!
Holly Montag närvarade vid Playboy's Super Saturday Night Party på Sagamore Hotel den 6 Februari i Miami Beach, Florida.
Lauren's Bok Turné
Lauren är ute på bok turne i USA här har ni bilder på henne när hon va ute i Boston.
Det kräver mycket publicitet för att kunna uppnå något i kändisvärlden. Man måste hela tiden vara med i olika intervjuer och framträdanden. Här har ni bilder och video från när Lauren var på Good Day NY.
Som sagt så gäller det att vara igång när man släpper en ny bok, här har ni Lauren i NYC när hon är på väg att besöka “Wendy Williams Show” den 4 Feb. Lauren var även på Tyra Banks Show den dagen. Mycket att stå i Lauren, men det går bra för henne så we love it!
Lauren: Seventeen Magazine del2
The hills crew
Hela Hills gänget var ute och festade i Maimi, Maxim hade stor fest och självklart var gänget där. Steph, Lo & Brody åkte till Miami tillsammans och paparazzin väntade vid flygplatsen.
Lauren & Lo - US Weekly
Alla hjärtansdag börjar närma sig, rött, rosa och massvis med hjärtan.
Lauren verkade alla fall ha kul när hon spelade Wii på sin födelsedag!
Elle & Guess Party i New York 4/4
Whitney Bloggar:
Jayde Lyckade/misslyckade kväll!
Igårkväll så var Jayde på Eva Longoria Parker's nya nattklubb för att vara värdinna för kvällen. Hon kom dit med några av hennes vänner Kelly Carrington, Amy Lynn Grover, Sarah Maxwell, and Jessica Hall.
Det verkade som om Jayde hade roligt underkvällen, men det slutade kanske inte lika bra.
Audrina ute på event
Bilden lånad av
Har ni hört talas om den nya showen Jersey Shore som går på MTV i USA.
Nu har jag fått reda på att denna nya reality serie kommer till Sverige med start 31 Mars på MTV.
Jag har redan börjar kolla på showen, och den är grymm om man tycker om drama. Love it. Så jag ville bara berätta för er att det finns en blogg om dom nu, och det är jag som startat den självklart. Så är ni lika glada som jag att showen är här så kika in i bloggen du med och lär dig en massa om Jersey Shore.
KLicka Här
Bara Stephanie!
Stephanie var värdinna på en PURE i Las Vegas den 2 Februari. Stephanie kom dit med ett gäng vänner vl.a hennes bäst kompis Alicia som firade hennes födelsedag den kvällen.
Stephanie närvarade på Oakley’s Learn to Ride event i Sundance den 26 Januari. Där lärde hon sig hur man åker snowboard. Hon såg ut att ha jätte roligt under tiden. I Sundance var även Paris & Doug kolla in Videon.
Ooppps Kristin
Kristin såg på Switch Boutique på Beverly Drive I Måndags den 2 Februari. Kristin var där ocj provade lite skor. Kristin missade nog att hon hade papparazin efter sig eftersom hon råkade visa vilka underkläder hon hade på sig. Kan nog vara lite jobbigt det där med papparazin.
Kristin har länge sagt att hon inte använder sig av twitter längre. Vet ej varför hon velat hålla det hemligt men nu har hennes twitter account blivit offentligt. Vill ni följa hennes klicka här..Twitter account
Lauren Conrad Intervju
Lauren är ute på bokturne med sin nya bok " Sweet litlle Lies" Här har ni en intrevju med Lauren som, Toni-Marie Ippolito har gjort.
Congratulations on your book “Sweet Little Lies!” Did you ever think you’d become and author?
Conrad: Uh, No!
Your first book was such a success, and on the New York Times Best Seller’s List! Was that shocking to you? How did you react to that?
Conrad: I was just really excited, I think. They had said that there was a chance, so we were kind of waiting, waiting, waiting. And I remember a group of people that was traveling with on my first book tour with me called me on a conference call and all told me together and I was so excited.
I think it shocked a lot of people and that must have been an accomplishment in itself for you.
Conrad: It was. I had worked so hard on that first book and it was just very gratifying. I don’t think a lot of people took me seriously when I began writing and it was nice to have it acknowledged.
Absolutely, and it’s not easy writing either!
Conrad: Yeah! (laughs)
Did you find writing “Sweet Little Lies”, more challenging or a little bit easier?
Conrad: Yeah, I actually found it easier. The first book was a learning experience. I had to learn the whole process and I think I also had to learn to schedule writing time for myself. I had lived my life for years on a schedule and this was the first time where I would have full days to write. It was also teaching myself how to do that. Everything was very new to me. The second time around, I had a better idea of how it was done. I gave myself more time to write and become less procrastinating (giggles) so it was more enjoyable. Also, the storyline was a little more fun to write because in the first book I had to make character introductions, and set the scene and the situations they were in. And in the second book I got to just jump right into it.
Speaking of the situations and the characters, how much of it do you really draw on from your real life?
Conrad: Um, most of the things that I draw from my real life are…
I’ve watched every episode of The Hills, so I know that whole story!
Conrad:(laughs) There’s more of the emotional thing that the characters go through. That’s one of the great thing about writing is that you get to be in someone’s head, so I think there’s a lot of situations where you know, you’re going through things and it can be, you know, a little overwhelming and it’s all very new. So I think that’s more where I drew from. More of their emotional trips that they took rather than specific things the characters go through. But, I mean, there are definitely things that are comparable to experiences I had.
Taking bits from your experience, was it therapeutic for you to write these books and put it all out there?
Conrad: Yeah, it actually really was! It’s definitely scaled back a bit because it’s written as a teen series, so I kind of PG-13 it (laughs). I toned a lot of things down. But I also didn’t want the book to be a complete downer so I tried to bring a little bit of humor to it. But, yes there is something very therapeutic about writing experiences similar to those you’ve been through.
What was the writing process like for you as whole, did you write at certain times of the day or did you just write whenever you felt creative?
Conrad:I was on a deadline, so I wrote whenever I could. One thing that was really nice was that it was so different from what I had been doing. I had spent so much time on television and whenever I was working I had to, you know, do full makeup and do my hair and try and put together outfits. Most that that book I wrote in my pajamas!
So that was really nice, I was like “I look awful right now and no one even knows!” It’s just great (giggles).
I know that you are a busy girl, and once you ended the show, you plugged away at your fashion line. How do you fit all this into your busy schedule?
Conrad: Well, when I first left the show I told everyone that I worked with that I really needed a break. I had been going non-stop for years and I just wanted a bit of time to stop and take a breath and I had a few months where I didn’t have much to do and I absolutely hated it.
I hated having spare time. I tried to take up hobbies. I had a weird baking phase where I was baking everyday and I took dance classes and I just did all these things that I couldn’t do before and I realized that I just love being busy. I love having a full schedule everyday and always being a little bit sleep deprived and just kind of love that lifestyle.
It’s a crazy thing for a lot of us today that we feel that way, but I’m glad you did get a little bit of time to recharge.
Conrad: Oh yeah it was probably good for me mentally, it’s also for me to know that, now that I’m getting busy again that this really is what I want and I should never complain about it.
Yeah I think you’re going on the track, I like where you’re going with your projects.
Conrad: Oh, thank you!
So your first book, “L.A. Candy” is going to be made into a movie!
Conrad: It is! I’m so excited.
That must be so exciting. How did this come about? Is this something you pursued?
Conrad: Well we were in talks about the idea of taking the book series and turning it into a television series. Then it started getting interest from different people about turning it into a movie, which I had never really thought about before. It was actually on my book tour, that I had to come up with an outline for a movie version because it’s really meant to be told over a period of several years, which is hard to do with a movie. So, I came up with a format and it was funny because the idea just kind of hit me in the middle of an interview I was doing and I was like “Ah that’s it!”(laughs)
The creativity light bulb hits.
Conrad: Yes! It was literally a light bulb moment, and I went and wrote it down and I pitched it and found someone who was interested and so now we’re in the process of making it into a movie.
How involved will you be in this project?
Conrad: Very! Anyone who knows me knows I can be a control freak with things I love doing. I love doing fashion and I love writing, so everything I’ve done I’m really involved with, so it’s not really work to me because I’m enjoying it. This is something I want to learn how to do. We’re still in the very early stages, but I’ve been in pitch meetings with writers and I’m learning the process and it’s really fun for me.
Are you still designing your fashion line for Kohls?
Conrad: I am. I actually just got back last night and we did a two-day shoot in Palm Springs, which was really fun. That line is doing really well and I’m very happy with it and I’m actually, right now, just putting together the business plan to bring another line, which I can’t really talk about yet (giggles) but I’m really looking forward to it.
You’re also coming out with a fashion book.
Conrad: Oh the style guide, yes. Whether it’s just because people have a very hectic lifestyle or that they’ve never really been really into fashion, the book outlines the essentials that you need to have in your closet—from how to shop online to a packing list, a lot of tips, how to shop vintage. It will be released the same time as my third book.
Yes! You have a third book that’s coming out following “Sweet Little Lies.” Have you completed that yet?
Conrad: Oh no! (laughs)
Come on, you’re not superwoman?
Conrad: (laughs) No I’m still writing that one. I just finished chapter three! But I finished my stylebook. So I’ve finished one of those.
You seem to be doing such great things and I think you’re an inspiration for a lot of people who are looking up to you, a lot of the fans that you have from the Hills. It was actually a smart move on your part leaving the show.
Conrad: OH! That is the first time I’ve heard that and that’s so nice to hear!
I don’t mean it in a bad way, you were very entertaining on the show, but look what you’re now accomplishing.
Conrad: Oh, well thank you. I actually had this girl walk over to me to the other day, I was sick and I really wanted soup, so I went to this place Jerry’s Deli in LA. I was just sitting there eating chicken noodle soup, and this girl walks and kind of stands over me and I look up and she says, “You have ruined my Tuesday nights” and walks away.
And I was like, “Do I know this person? Did I do something to them on a Tuesday?” (laughs)
Yeah people get really dedicated to there television schedules…
Conrad: They do.
But do you miss being on The Hills at all?
Conrad: I don’t. I miss the people I got to work with. That’s about it. I miss the crewmembers and the producers, and everyone who worked on that show, we were all such great people. And if I’m very lucky someday I will be able to work with them again, but we’ll see.
Does that mean you would you do another reality show?
Conrad: I would never do another reality show based on my personal life. I just got that back and I love it and I’m never giving it away! (giggles) But I also want to get into production, so I can go sit in the production vans with them and watch other people film.
Just on another note, there’s been a lot of stuff in the news about Heidi Montag’s plastic surgery. What are your thoughts on the question of beauty in Hollywood and the pressure. How do you deal with all that?
Conrad: Well, (sighs) I don’t know, I think it’s hard because when you’re a girl, and I was probably going through the worst of it at the time, you criticize yourself the most. So yeah. there are definitely days when you come home and you think, “I’m fat and I’m ugly and this and that.” But you just have to look at the bigger picture and instead think, “You know what? I’m healthy and I’m fortunate and I think that there are people a lot worse off than me. You kind of have to put things in perspective.
Bilder: Lauren i Good Morning America
Lauren: Seventeen Magazine
Excerpts from the interview:
Writing as Therapy
"Jane is the main character [of Sweet Little Lies: An L.A. Candy Novel] and most like me. But also when I was more sarcastic and against [being on] the The Hills, I was able to illustrate that through Scarlett, her best friend. So they almost became the two sides of me, because there were times I absolutely hated the show and there were times I loved it."
Running from The Hills
"You set out to do a show based on your life, and you end up living a life based on your show. Everything you do has to be cleared — where you work, people who come to your birthday, people you date, what clothes you wear. I had to get the paint color for my apartment approved by the director of photography. It was things like that that I don't miss."
Putting the Criticism on Mute
"There's always someone out there telling you your nose is too big or too small, or you're too fat or too thin, or they don't like your hair. In life, there's always going to be someone who doesn't like something about you, so you have to focus on what makes you happy about yourself. You're the only person you need to please."
Once a Cheater...
"I've never really understood cheating because I've never cheated on anyone. I feel like if you are in a relationship with someone, and you want to be with other people, then you shouldn't be in a relationship — it's that simple! Once you start having a wandering eye, it's time to reevaluate the relationship you're in because you're obviously looking for something else."
"With the crew, you develop friendships and they're your family and best friends, but they're also there to do a job. And a lot of times their jobs include a level of deception. So they can put you in some pretty bad situations just to get your reaction. For example, a year ago for my birthday party, they invited Heidi to come, and they knew that I'd be uncomfortable with it. They're all wearing earpieces and know that Heidi's coming in, and they're focusing all of their cameras on me for a reaction. It's a very weird feeling knowing that everyone around you knows that something is about to happen except you."
Future Carrie Bradshaw?
"I went through a phase where I wanted to write a dating book, so I had The Rules, Better Single Than Sorry, and He's Just Not That Into You...I had about six of them. This was a couple years ago, and I had a guy come over and I could see him eying the books, and I was like, No, no, no. I want to write a dating book. And he was like, Yeah right, crazy — get me out of here!"
Budget Babe
"At 18 I was cut off financially! Seventeen was a happy time for me, but 18 was hard. People think that I've had it easy, but I haven't had it as easy as you think. When I went off to college, I wasn't going to class in Louis Vuitton. There were definitely times when my bank account was zero. I was financially independent, but I wasn't exactly living a lavish life. My dad was really adamant about that. He'd say 'You're going to go to college and live it like everyone else, because if you want to make your own decisions, you need to support yourself too.'"
"When I go out, the shoes need to be as high as they can be. I love 'big girl' shoes that are five-inches tall. Just a black platform is the best!"
Hej allt söta läsare!
Kul att så många har hittat till min blogg! Tycker det är jätte roligt att ni tycker om den.
Jag har haft fullt upp på sistonde och inte hunnit så mycket med bloggen. Men I'm Back.
Jag har inte kunnat svara på kommentarerna då det har varit fel på dom har blivit godkännda utan att jag vetat om det. Så nu är allt i sin ordning och det är bara att börja kommentera igen och jag svarar på ALLT.
Jag har en uppgift till er mina söta läsare. Ni kanske har sett att Lauren är på förstasidan av Nya Veckor Revyn så är det någon av er som har tidningen hemma, scana gärna den och skicka in den till [email protected] =)
Så nu kör vi igång igen med en massa nytt om våra kära The Hills & The City.
Psssss: Har ni hört att Lauren kommer dyka upp snart igen i Hills/City =)
MTV " Behind the screen" presentation
Roxy: "I love @whitneyEVEport(above)and "Ohh snap!"
Roxy: "Wow! @whitneyeveport and the Situation!!"
Sn00ki: "With whit wheww love mtv"
Alex: " Ok one more"
Alex: "Putting a little city in the shore @roxyolin @whitneyEVEport"
Roxy: "I learned how to fist pump..from the greatest!"
Roxy: "Omg it is @itsthesituation"
And one of Roxy and Alex
Roxy tweeted: "Its snowing @AlexLobel"
Alex: "RT 130am massage?"
awww : )
Dom är tillsammans!!
Det är sant, det är inte enbart ett rykte. Audrina & Ryan är tillsammans. Det söta paret har tagigt en semester tillsammans och befinner sig just nu i Mexico ,Cabo. Audrina & Ryan har dejtat varandra tidigare ( 3 år sen) men nu för 3 veckor sen så har dom hittat tillbaka till varandra. Tycker vi på Hillsandcity är jätte kul. Audrina ser lycklig ut.
Jayde & Brody tillsammans igen?
Man kan aldrig vara berädd på vad som händer i Kändisvärlden, ena dagen e dom tillsammans andra inte. Här har ni en video på Brody & Jayde där man ser att dom umgås med varandra en sen kväll. Undrar om dom e tillsammans, jag vill inte att dom är det verkar inte vara bra för varandra. Detta säger en källa:
“They are working it out and moving forward. They’re taking it a little slower this time around but do love each other a lot. They have been filming new scenes for [The Hills] and seeing where their relationship can go.”
Lauren i "Good morning America!
Lauren Conrad, cover girl.
Detta är fjärde gången som denna donna är cover girl för tidiningen seventeen magazine. Lika snygg som alltid, detta nummer kommer ut i mars, så håll ögonen öppna om ni har möjlighet.
Whit och hennes systrar i Brentwood
Whitney's twitter: RT @haironthebrain: How To on my sister's hair from the Grammy Awards exclusively from hairstylist Jackie Braverman:
LC's blog: It's my party and I'll pack if I want to
Another year older... another year wiser :-) Thank you all for your lovely birthday messages! I'll be spending my 24th packing for my book tour that begins tomorrow. (eep! 4am pick up!) So many outfits... So little time! I'm looking forward to meeting everyone who comes out for the tour!
Best wishes - Lauren
Vem bar den bäst?
Vem bar denna snygga Alexandra Wang klänning bäst? Rihanna, Paris eller våran egna Stephanie. Jag tycker verkligen denna klänning är riktigt snygg så jag tycker alla bar upp den riktigt bra =)
"Kell on Earth" Prewiew
Här har ni lite info på medlemarna i Kelly's show (dom som jobbar för henne)
Det sägs att det kommer bli en show fylld med drama. Kommer ni kolla på showen?
Andrew Mukamal is the newest addition to the Cutrone team. Inside his goth exterior is said to be a vast amount of fashion knowledge, making him an asset to People’s Rev. Like Whitney, he doesn’t yearn to be a part of the PR world long term; instead, he’s looking towards the world of fashion styling. The other employees at People’s Rev count on him as an ally and “sounding board.”
Stefanie Skinner, was replaced by Andrew when Kelly promoted her to Junior Executive. We’ll see Stefanie struggle to balance her professional and personal lives successfully. This isn’t her first go-around with Kelly though. In fact, she’s quit the firm once before due to the super fast-paced environment and long hours. But when the pressure is on, Stefanie pulls through for the team.
Emily Bungert is one of the partners at People’s Revolution, and isn’t afraid to say what she’s thinking (much like Kelly). Her “assertive approach to work” has not only put her head-to-head with some of the employees, it’s made her a top notch publicist. She’s recently taken on the role as a dream killer, when Kelly passed on the privilege position as “head of the firing squad.” It’s rumored she’s actually a “softie,” but from her outspoken ways on the show it’s hard to tell.
Robyn Berkley, is at the heart of People’s Revolution and referred to by Kelly as “wife” or “sister.” As Kelly drives the business forward, Robyn holds it together. Her pale complexion, dark hair, and stern attitude have earned her the nick name “Snow White with Razor Blades.” There’s no doubt she is one fierce PR professional. And due to a stalker situation, she not only works at People’s Rev, but is also sleeping there! We wonder if she’s ever able to take a break from work
"Surgery gone wrong"
Super Models Unlimited Magazine
Stephanie tweeted: "I'm in love with my dress by Brian Lichtenberg! Thanks for dressing me for this post-grammy party @iam_adriana!!"
Whitney Bloggar: Pussar okänd man
Audrina Bloggar
Kristin på Bonnie Hunt Show
Grammy Awards 2010
Erin tweeted:
"My brother Luke & I at the grammy granny fanny jammys."
"Holy shit AC/DC won best hard rock performance!!!
First grammy! Congrats dad!!!!!"
Så söt Erin var när hon närvarade på Grammyt Awards den 31/1. Hennes pappas grupp AC/DC vann pris för bästa hård rock uppträdande. Kul
Happy B-DAY Lauren
Lauren fyller 24 år idag GRATTTTTTIS!
Bilder från Laurens B-day Party:
BIlderna är lånade av :
Tack för tipset =) By the way kika in lalife bloggen, den är riktigt bra =) Det är Malin Åkermans syster som bloggar om hennes liv i LA